Hey everybody, it's been a while just want to share a few things. With Hashem's help I'm 77 days clean! I'm so grateful to Hashem for helping me get to this point, there were times in my life I never would have thought this even possible, I feel like I've broken through a barrier that I could never manage to get past before. The oilam here is incredible and an inspiration, at the end of the day all it took to push me to this point was to reach out and talk to someone. For anyone reading this do yourself a favour and reach out!
One blockage I was struggling with was- as I wrote in the thread title- I have a hunger for technology, my entire life i thought if I can't solve that then I will always eventually end up in the shmutz. I've learnt that while yes technology is a major challenge that we all have to deal with it doesn't have to be that unhealthy technology use=porn. Yes I still struggle with putting my phone down and going to bed (like right now at 12:30 at night, gotta get up at 6:30am tommorow:weary:) , or blowing a hour of time that I'm free on some shtusim, but it's chaluk byisodo that struggle with the struggle with porn. Tech is generally a wasting time challenge, but porn affects your intimacy with your wife. Invest in your marriage, focus on your wife, give her attention, do things for her, care about her, don't be obsessed with sex, then you could be intimate with her and you''ll both enjoy it, and with all that the desire for porn doesn't surface all that often, that's essentially been my avodah the past 3 months and B'H it's working. Oh and by the way when your not busy looking for porn there somehow seems to be so much less to do on the internet! I wonder why??? Anyways that's my update for now.