Hello -
I am 52 years old and am continuing to struggle with m for the past 40 years. P has also been a terrible problem for me, but has been less of an issue (with some exceptions) because of good filtering on my home devices now.
I have a long story to share, or perhaps pieces of it, but I want to make sure to get started joining this community and I don't want to get stuck figuring out how and what to write.
So for the time being, let me just say that today is my very first time coming on GYE. It's hard to believe I haven't done this before and I am kicking myself because I am almost in tears right now seeing what a powerful support opportunity I think this journey is going to be. A part of me is thinking about how I used to get into trouble spending time on the internet out of boredom and I could have just logged in here and enjoyed time sharing and receiving/offering support instead.