1-12steps wrote on 01 Jan 2024 09:00:
I think the title sorta says it all...
....so i got filters on everything, webchaver too, any i go the extra mile to avoid UNFILTERED when visiting family (i work i occasionally have, but don't missuse it) but absolutely NOTHING compares to logging in after 3.5 years and seeing ppl that have gone THOUSANDS of days without הוצעת זרע לבטלה!!!!
how do you guys do it? where can i send my name and kvittel? why don't i finally jump aboard myself?!?!?!
kol hakovod to you for keeping up the fight even after years of falls and struggling!
My advice to you would be to first focus on how far you have come in your own life, count the number of times you picked yourself up after a fall, how many times have you stopped yourself from acting out despite the massive urge and desire to. I would say
this battle is not about streaks and amount of days clean, that is just a number to keep one motivated,
what the battle is about, is continuously fighting and moving forward no matter how hard you fell, and to be reminded of and to try to stay close to your vision and goals, to why do you want to fight this battle comparing yourself to someones else's thousands days is like looking at another guy learning for 4 hours in the beis medrash when you can barely learn for 20 minutes without getting up, do you know what he has going for him in his life? do you know his struggles? no. all you see is one aspect of his life in front of you and your imposing that on you, its counterproductive, and just makes you feel bad about yourself that your not him,
but hashem doesn't want you to be him, hashem wants you to be you with your massive struggles and negative thought process, the streaks are just meant to keep people aware of how much they accomplished, not to impose as a universal expectation and standard for everyone to be there.
to be honest I'm also part of the group that doesn't have thousands of days, and i would say probably most users on GYE don't either have, and that's what were here for to grow and push ourselves harder and together despite the massive challenges we face constantly, I'm curious to hear what other users have to say on this?
1-12steps keep up the great work and know that we are here rooting for you, no matter how many days you have!!