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Ready to break free
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TOPIC: Ready to break free 1164 Views

Ready to break free 19 Jun 2023 11:33 #397772

Hello GYE community,
I am finally ready to break free. I have been struggling with PMO since ninth grade. I had some short successes and moments of freedom, but all attempts to end my behavior failed. Now, sitting in Yeshiva, I find myself back to my old habits. It is killing me. I feel like a prisoner, like I will never escape this endless cycle of addiction and pain. What's most difficult is the feeling that I am a fake, an imposter. I am living a double life. I am becoming depressed and I can't handle stress without turning to PMO. I hate myself. I have tried countless times to stop, but to no avail. I feel I have nowhere else to turn. I finally realized I need to reach out for help. I can't do this alone. So, I plead with you to please help me. 
Feel free to reach out at hashemlovesyou123@gmail.com

Re: Ready to break free 19 Jun 2023 14:23 #397782

  • davidt
  • Gold Boarder
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hashemlovesyou123 wrote on 19 Jun 2023 11:33:
Hello GYE community,
I am finally ready to break free. I have been struggling with PMO since ninth grade. I had some short successes and moments of freedom, but all attempts to end my behavior failed. Now, sitting in Yeshiva, I find myself back to my old habits. It is killing me. I feel like a prisoner, like I will never escape this endless cycle of addiction and pain. What's most difficult is the feeling that I am a fake, an imposter. I am living a double life. I am becoming depressed and I can't handle stress without turning to PMO. I hate myself. I have tried countless times to stop, but to no avail. I feel I have nowhere else to turn. I finally realized I need to reach out for help. I can't do this alone. So, I plead with you to please help me. 

Welcome to GYE! 
you've done a great step by reaching out for help, Hashem will surely help you get out of this..
Also, you need to realize that you are NOT alone! We are living in extremely challenging times and many people are struggling like you. At the same time many have also recovered and so will you with Hashem's help.

It's very important to realize that this struggle is very normal, and everybody deals with it on some level or another. Having a desire for this doesn’t mean that there is anything negative about a person. We say twice daily in Shema, - do not explore inappropriate sights, after which you stray. The passuk is addressing every person in every generation. Even chashuve people and those who lived centuries ago had to deal with this issue. Likewise, when talking about this desire, Chazal tell us - that a person’s nefesh craves it.

Chazal aren’t referring specifically to bad people; they are addressing every single person. When a bachur realizes this, he won’t condemn himself as being no good when he encounters a nisayon. If, however, a bachur gets upset at himself, then he won’t be able to move forward in the healing process. Instead, he will claim that he is doomed for failure due to what he perceives as an abnormal challenge.

It's very important to CONNECT with someone.  Several times, Hashem repeated, “It is good” in the creation story. Do you remember what broke his streak? When he saw man alone, he said, “It is not good.” Sure enough, man got in trouble when he isolated. You need to surround yourself with a few friends, a recovery group, and an accountability partner.
The opposite of addiction is not sobriety - it's CONNECTION. Addiction thrives on isolation! Find someone that you can share your pain and struggles with. And finally, have someone who can cheer you on and celebrate your both big and small wins with you!
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
feel free to reach out @  ahavayirah@gmail.com

Re: Ready to break free 20 Jun 2023 23:14 #397857

  • eerie
  • Current streak: 917 days
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Welcome to the family, my dear friend! You have definitely come to the right place, and beh you'll learn the things that will help you break free. Chief among them is the power of community. We are here for you, we care about you, and we want to hear from you. There is so much to learn, so please stick around and keep sharing with us!
Feel free to say hi. My email is 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com

Re: Ready to break free 20 Jun 2023 23:23 #397858

  • eerie
  • Current streak: 917 days
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And by the way, Hashem loves you even before you get to 3! I also like that you wrote that "Hashem loves you", meaning the readers of your posts. I will just remind you that he also loves YOU! Keep trucking!
Feel free to say hi. My email is 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com

Re: Ready to break free 21 Jun 2023 05:40 #397869

Thank you for the responses. I decided I will try to harness the power of the community to share my experience and realize I am not alone. I had a difficult setback last night, but I am optimistic about today. I'm learning to implement my plan and think consciously before I act. Hashem does love me, even with all my imperfections. 
Feel free to reach out at hashemlovesyou123@gmail.com

Re: Ready to break free 21 Jun 2023 12:11 #397877

  • true_self
  • Current streak: 42 days
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Welcome to the community.
You are not the only one that feels/felt all those painful feelings that you described, Thank god, You have just embarked on your journey to freedom, by realizing that you need to reach out to help, because nobody can do this alone.
We are here for you, No need to carry your burden all by yourself, Stick around (as Eerie said), make some friend, and never give up!!!
Indeed Hashem does love You!

Wishing you all the best upon your journey.
True self
My thread: From two identities to True self

If you want to reachout to me to talk please email: wish2banonym@gmail.com
Last Edit: 21 Jun 2023 12:12 by true_self.

Re: Ready to break free 25 Jun 2023 11:41 #398025

  • excellence
  • Current streak: 46 days
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How's it going? Uv'e left us in suspense!!!

Re: Ready to break free 25 Jun 2023 11:45 #398026

Hi everyone,
Thank you very much for the support. I wanted to share a success story to be mechazeik myself and others. Last night I was having a very difficult time and I had a strong urge. However, I used the STAR technique to think about my real priorities in life and what I really wanted. I was able to take a step back and make a decision that I was happy with. Baruch HAshem I was able to defeat the yetzer hara. This made me feel powerful over the yetzer hara and now I have hope for the rest of this journey. IY'H I will be able to keep this up. Everyone here has really helped me tremendously and I am truly appreciative. I will hopefully keep up my thread in the future. 
Feel free to reach out at hashemlovesyou123@gmail.com

Re: Ready to break free 25 Jun 2023 12:25 #398027

  • true_self
  • Current streak: 42 days
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Dear HLY, You are doing a great job, keep it up! keep beating your YH and listen to your true self that wants to choose good over evil.
We are all here for you and rooting for your success.
Please keep us updated when things go well and even when its not as great....

Wishing You much success in your battle.
True self
My thread: From two identities to True self

If you want to reachout to me to talk please email: wish2banonym@gmail.com
Last Edit: 25 Jun 2023 12:25 by true_self.

Re: Ready to break free 25 Jun 2023 13:43 #398032

  • grant400
  • Current streak: 19 days
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Looking forward to watching and participating in your growth.


Re: Ready to break free 25 Jun 2023 20:29 #398039

  • chaimoigen
  • Current streak: 650 days
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Welcome! I'm pretty new here, too.
It is amazing to discover how the rules of the battle change when you are not fighting it lonely and alone. 
Keep us in the loop, we are in this together. 
Looking forward to learn from you!  
Please feel free to reach out anytime at chaim.oigen@gmail.com

Perhaps you'd enjoy seeing Chaim's Oigen

Re: Ready to break free 29 Jun 2023 19:52 #398223

Hi Everyone, 
Thank you so much for the support and for making me feel like I'm not alone. After a week clean, I had a fall today. I was very tired and had little motivation, and I failed to even attempt at using my strategies. Afterwards I felt like I had wasted all the progress I had made and that I am right back to where I started. It is difficult to get the enthusiasm back. Has anyone else ever experienced this? What  are some tips to stay motivated and focused on my true desire and goal to break free from PMO?
Feel free to reach out at hashemlovesyou123@gmail.com

Re: Ready to break free 29 Jun 2023 19:57 #398225

Also, does anyone else feel like their struggles make it difficult to be motivated to learn Torah? Sometimes I feel isolated and that I have no real direction so that I feel like my learning has no purpose.
Feel free to reach out at hashemlovesyou123@gmail.com

Re: Ready to break free 29 Jun 2023 22:48 #398229

  • ilovehashem247
  • Current streak: 176 days
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Yes and yes to above
Just getting over a case of mild insanity here...
My Story: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/385922-My-Story-Being-Honest-For-Once

Re: Ready to break free 30 Jun 2023 01:33 #398234

  • a. green
  • Fresh Boarder
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As far as I know and think, we all go through this struggle, falling after several attempts. And thinking that we are back to were we started. So we all are familiar with these thoughts.
And, yes, it's part of the struggle, to understand that "every single try, [even if we fell] stays ours for ever"!
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