Yes, I have a filter the most stringencies of gedorim of the filter's capabilities, I can't see any human images not only shaded but completely blocked, blocked any embedded videos and whenever I'll find any loophole I'll advise it to the filter company as soon as I'll come across the loophole;
Yes, I have WEBCHAVER with a great partner;
Yes, I have a password on my filter so that I can't request anything without entering the password, and the best part of the P/W is that my wife has half and myself the other part, so every request has to be done together with her;
Yes, I have a simple flip phone with calculator capability... only.
Yet, with all these mentioned above I can still fall and I can still cheat, which brings me to the ultimate conclusion that: "no filter and no webchaver, no wife and no kosher phone will guard me!" I have to remember that אין הדבר תלוי אלא בי it will only work if I and only I will decide with the utmost absoluteness that from now on I will try my best to stay sober, to beseech my god and try to do his will only, forever.
And to the one who asked me about my label, as I mentioned in my first comment, I come a long long way and yes, I know clearly that (unfortunately) [gladly] I meet full criteria of an addict. Remember I haven't started here, I want to be here as another tool for me in my way to sobriety and full recovery bezras hashem.