Hey everyone,
Today is day 9 clean. I'm finding that fighting the urges are getting harder but that now the urges are starting to be a bit different or at least my interaction with them is. I used to have urged because I saw a trigger and that was it. Now I find myself experiencing anxiety, depression and general negative emotions and then turning to things like social media, video games or getting the urge to look at pornography or triggering material as a way of escaping those negative feelings.
I knew always that I would play video games as a way of coping with anxiety because when I'm in a virtual world none of the problems or fears I have in the real world exist. For a period of time I don't have to think about them, worry about them or agonize over them. I believe the same is true about social media and pornography. I think that while sometimes its purely just I saw something triggering in a movie or at the grocery store it also stems from my having trained myself over the years to turn to it as a means of escape.
Obviously that isn't a healthy way to deal with problems or anxiety but when I not only made that realization but also experienced it in real time consciously it has been a big mechazek. I was able to trace my urge back to a point in the day where I was feeling anxiety about something and I then went looking for ways to disconnect. At that point I started battling the urge to use pornography and masturbation as an escape. Being conscious of that development was eye-opening for me and having that self-awareness has made it easier for me to fight the urges.
Now when I experience the urge not only do I use the 20 minutes delay but as I'm on my way to a distraction I can have a conversation with myself of "wait a minute" "you don't really want to act out. You want to avoid feelings of anxiety or your problems." "What can you do instead to deal with these issues in a healthier way".
Anyways, while that has been a huge breakthrough for me I am now facing a new issue where I having a lot more trouble relating to my wife. She hasn't had any sexual interest in me lately anyways so it hasn't been a huge issue but (not to bee too graphic) I found myself trying to get her interested and then stopped myself. I am worried that I'm trying to just use her as a means of satisfying that urge and I don't believe that's healthy either. I don't feel connected to her emotionally as I once did and I'm afraid to connect with her physically if I'm not emotionally there because that is mentally the same to me as watching pornography and masturbating. It isn't for the sake of connecting with her but simply to satisfy lust and that just feeds my problem.
Has anyone else experienced or thought about these issues?