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Eish Emes intro
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TOPIC: Eish Emes intro 3624 Views

Re: Eish Emes intro 04 Jan 2023 05:48 #390519

  • afcf
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Eish Emes wrote on 04 Jan 2023 02:38:

The depression and shyness remained . At sometime I working on a self help book for social anxiety. One of the exercises was to list things that were holding me back from overcoming my anxiety. One of the things I listed was my attraction to teen boys and porn/masturbation issue. I realized for the first time I was afraid to get too close to anyone because they might discover my sexual issues. I realized the reason the therapy didn’t work was because I was dealing with my sexual issues. That made me even more depressed. I believed there was nothing I could do about my sexual issues. To be continued…

I remember have had a similar fear, I was afraid to get close to anyone because I might follow my inner impulses in the real world and that would lead me to taint my self in a new way. The "been discovered" part kept me disassociate from my family and in order to didn't face down those issuses I kept away from myself either. Reading this clrears up another part of my own social anxiety. BH
Baruj HaShem por un día más de vida.

Re: Eish Emes intro 04 Jan 2023 13:08 #390523

  • eish emes
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afcf wrote on 04 Jan 2023 05:48:

You expressed exactly how I felt. Thank you for sharing that. For that alone it was worth sharing my story! 
My story https://guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/343353-Eish-Emes-intro

Feel free to contact me privately for connection and support forbsw@gmail.com.

Re: Eish Emes intro 19 Jan 2023 00:13 #391021

  • eish emes
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Before I go on to the next stage I wanted to describe the extent of my porn and masturbation issues. I would spend most nights until the wee hours of the morning with porn. Many days I would home during my lunch break with porn and come late to second Seder. Anytime I was home alone I would spend most of my time with porn. In addition to porn I got into erotic stories and lust was almost always on my mind. Wherever I would go I was always be on the look out for triggers. Shul was especially triggering for me being around so many guys…

So where I left off I realized I needed to do something about my SSA and porn issues, but was deeply depressed because didn’t know what to do. I made decision I was going to contact a Jewish organization that helps people with unwanted SSA (it no longer exist). I set a date in my mind when I would contact them and it happened to be right after Purim. That shushan Purim felt I felt one of the most depressed. I came close to thinking about suicide, but stopped myself because I knew it would harm those who loved me.

I did contact the organization and it was the first time I told anyone about my SSA and attraction to teens. To my surprise they were not shocked or disgusted by me. They got me in touch with someone in my community frum with SSA. They recommended I see a therapist or life coach and had me join a email group of people with unwanted SSA. Meeting other frum people with SSA was really powerful for me. I always thought I was the only one.  At one point I shared in the email group I was attracted to teenage boys. Someone with the same issue emailed me privately and wanted to talk. At first I was hesitant, but eventually agreed. That first conversation lasted for hours. It was great to finally speak with the same struggles.

I was introduced the theories of the psychological development of SSA.

During this time I started reading Nicolosi and other authors. It really fit with my childhood. After some time I was convinced to start seeing a life coach connected with this organization. I was told if I work on my issues for a few years my SSA would go away. I took that very seriously. I don’t remember the exact chronology, but for 3-4 years I put energy, time and money on working on my SSA. I went to a weekend workshop for unwanted SSA. It was a very powerful experience for me. I started going to SA a minimum of 3 meetings per week sometimes 7. I went to several different peer led support groups with unwanted SSA. Read ton of self help and psychology books. Was on the phone with people from SA and the other groups and workshop.

My first year in SA I remained sober, but then I slipped. There were several periods I had long term sobriety, but would slip again. I’m going in to the details why but after years of heavy involvement  I realized SA was not for me.

I grew and gained from tremendously from that period in areas of self esteem, overcoming perfectionism and toxic shame, a lot of self discovery, and a long list of other areas… But the one thing that remained was my SSA.

My story https://guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/343353-Eish-Emes-intro

Feel free to contact me privately for connection and support forbsw@gmail.com.

Re: Eish Emes intro 17 Feb 2023 17:45 #392226

  • teshuvahguy
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Eish Emes wrote on 19 Jan 2023 00:13:

Before I go on to the next stage I wanted to describe the extent of my porn and masturbation issues. I would spend most nights until the wee hours of the morning with porn. Many days I would home during my lunch break with porn and come late to second Seder. Anytime I was home alone I would spend most of my time with porn. In addition to porn I got into erotic stories and lust was almost always on my mind. Wherever I would go I was always be on the look out for triggers. Shul was especially triggering for me being around so many guys…

So where I left off I realized I needed to do something about my SSA and porn issues, but was deeply depressed because didn’t know what to do. I made decision I was going to contact a Jewish organization that helps people with unwanted SSA (it no longer exist). I set a date in my mind when I would contact them and it happened to be right after Purim. That shushan Purim felt I felt one of the most depressed. I came close to thinking about suicide, but stopped myself because I knew it would harm those who loved me.

I did contact the organization and it was the first time I told anyone about my SSA and attraction to teens. To my surprise they were not shocked or disgusted by me. They got me in touch with someone in my community frum with SSA. They recommended I see a therapist or life coach and had me join a email group of people with unwanted SSA. Meeting other frum people with SSA was really powerful for me. I always thought I was the only one.  At one point I shared in the email group I was attracted to teenage boys. Someone with the same issue emailed me privately and wanted to talk. At first I was hesitant, but eventually agreed. That first conversation lasted for hours. It was great to finally speak with the same struggles.

I was introduced the theories of the psychological development of SSA.

During this time I started reading Nicolosi and other authors. It really fit with my childhood. After some time I was convinced to start seeing a life coach connected with this organization. I was told if I work on my issues for a few years my SSA would go away. I took that very seriously. I don’t remember the exact chronology, but for 3-4 years I put energy, time and money on working on my SSA. I went to a weekend workshop for unwanted SSA. It was a very powerful experience for me. I started going to SA a minimum of 3 meetings per week sometimes 7. I went to several different peer led support groups with unwanted SSA. Read ton of self help and psychology books. Was on the phone with people from SA and the other groups and workshop.

My first year in SA I remained sober, but then I slipped. There were several periods I had long term sobriety, but would slip again. I’m going in to the details why but after years of heavy involvement  I realized SA was not for me.

I grew and gained from tremendously from that period in areas of self esteem, overcoming perfectionism and toxic shame, a lot of self discovery, and a long list of other areas… But the one thing that remained was my SSA.

Thank you for sharing this entire story. It always helps me to know there are others like me. Though I am not attracted only to young boys, it is a different male attraction for me, but I always feel so lonely because of it and as you say, even Shul offers no break, because there are so many triggers there. And nothing feels worse to me than lusting after other frum guys who are davening while I should be concentrating on my own davening. That’s when I feel like a rasha and someone Hashem would despise. So thank you for your whole story. I relate and that helps me. 

Re: Eish Emes intro 17 Feb 2023 18:00 #392227

  • Hashem Help Me
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Teshuvahguy wrote on 17 Feb 2023 17:45:

And nothing feels worse to me than lusting after other frum guys who are davening while I should be concentrating on my own davening. That’s when I feel like a rasha and someone Hashem would despise. 

And when someone turns away and looks into his siddur and stops lusting after the frum guys davening (or for that matter - when someone turns away and looks away from the well-dressed woman in the grocery store or at the wedding) does he feel like a tzaddik and someone that Hashem loves and embraces?! The answer should be a resounding YES!! Unfortunately, so many guys do not give themselves the immense credit they deserve for doing this and only do the opposite - blast themselves (as was written above "and nothing feels worse to me") when they slip a bit. If they would only walk around with pride, knowing how many times they looked away, they would slip much less. People who are shmattes masturbate etc. a lot more than the guys with pride.
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned

                    My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE

Re: Eish Emes intro 22 Feb 2023 05:30 #392473

  • simchastorah
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Eish Emes, you are a tremendous inspiration

Re: Eish Emes intro 22 Feb 2023 16:05 #392492

Thank you for sharing your story. It takes a lot of courage! 

Hashem tailored your challenges for your special mission in this world and He entrusted you with that mission - the goal is to make our best effort. The winner is the one that makes a sincere effort to do Hashem’s will (clarification - that does not mean always being perfect, rather constantly working on  desiring to do His will, and making one’s best efforts in this area - big picture). 

Our sages teach us that the soul chooses its exact situation in life before coming down to this world, because it knows that this will be the best way to complete the task allotted to it. 

Your neshama chose this mission because it is a FACT that you CAN succeed in this mission. And again - success = effort and desire, not necessarily outcome. 

you could think of it like a person that was working on a big business deal for two years. If the deal falls through, then he has nothing to show for it in this mundane world. But if he spent those two years, improving his character, being honest and business, not getting angry, performing kindness for his coworkers, an event for his adversaries… that is an astounding and overwhelming success from a long term olam Haba perspective. 

you can do it, because you have been given this opportunity to rise to your challenge!!!
Hi, my name is ILH and I’m grateful for having to focus just on today. 
Easy does it... I don't need to be perfect. 
If you figured out my identity, don't be shy, come say hi! 
It takes tons of courage to fight the good fight, but we don't have to do it all alone. 
My Story: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/385922-My-Story-Being-Honest-For-Once

Re: Eish Emes intro 23 Feb 2023 13:23 #392553

  • eish emes
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Teshuvahguy wrote on 17 Feb 2023 17:45:

Eish Emes wrote on 19 Jan 2023 00:13:

Before I go on to the next stage I wanted to describe the extent of my porn and masturbation issues. I would spend most nights until the wee hours of the morning with porn. Many days I would home during my lunch break with porn and come late to second Seder. Anytime I was home alone I would spend most of my time with porn. In addition to porn I got into erotic stories and lust was almost always on my mind. Wherever I would go I was always be on the look out for triggers. Shul was especially triggering for me being around so many guys…

So where I left off I realized I needed to do something about my SSA and porn issues, but was deeply depressed because didn’t know what to do. I made decision I was going to contact a Jewish organization that helps people with unwanted SSA (it no longer exist). I set a date in my mind when I would contact them and it happened to be right after Purim. That shushan Purim felt I felt one of the most depressed. I came close to thinking about suicide, but stopped myself because I knew it would harm those who loved me.

I did contact the organization and it was the first time I told anyone about my SSA and attraction to teens. To my surprise they were not shocked or disgusted by me. They got me in touch with someone in my community frum with SSA. They recommended I see a therapist or life coach and had me join a email group of people with unwanted SSA. Meeting other frum people with SSA was really powerful for me. I always thought I was the only one.  At one point I shared in the email group I was attracted to teenage boys. Someone with the same issue emailed me privately and wanted to talk. At first I was hesitant, but eventually agreed. That first conversation lasted for hours. It was great to finally speak with the same struggles.

I was introduced the theories of the psychological development of SSA.

During this time I started reading Nicolosi and other authors. It really fit with my childhood. After some time I was convinced to start seeing a life coach connected with this organization. I was told if I work on my issues for a few years my SSA would go away. I took that very seriously. I don’t remember the exact chronology, but for 3-4 years I put energy, time and money on working on my SSA. I went to a weekend workshop for unwanted SSA. It was a very powerful experience for me. I started going to SA a minimum of 3 meetings per week sometimes 7. I went to several different peer led support groups with unwanted SSA. Read ton of self help and psychology books. Was on the phone with people from SA and the other groups and workshop.

My first year in SA I remained sober, but then I slipped. There were several periods I had long term sobriety, but would slip again. I’m going in to the details why but after years of heavy involvement  I realized SA was not for me.

I grew and gained from tremendously from that period in areas of self esteem, overcoming perfectionism and toxic shame, a lot of self discovery, and a long list of other areas… But the one thing that remained was my SSA.

Thank you for sharing this entire story. It always helps me to know there are others like me. Though I am not attracted only to young boys, it is a different male attraction for me, but I always feel so lonely because of it and as you say, even Shul offers no break, because there are so many triggers there. And nothing feels worse to me than lusting after other frum guys who are davening while I should be concentrating on my own davening. That’s when I feel like a rasha and someone Hashem would despise. So thank you for your whole story. I relate and that helps me. 

I really appreciate your response  Teshuva Guy! 
My story https://guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/343353-Eish-Emes-intro

Feel free to contact me privately for connection and support forbsw@gmail.com.

Re: Eish Emes intro 23 Feb 2023 13:38 #392555

  • eish emes
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Hashem Help Me wrote on 17 Feb 2023 18:00:

Teshuvahguy wrote on 17 Feb 2023 17:45:

And nothing feels worse to me than lusting after other frum guys who are davening while I should be concentrating on my own davening. That’s when I feel like a rasha and someone Hashem would despise. 

And when someone turns away and looks into his siddur and stops lusting after the frum guys davening (or for that matter - when someone turns away and looks away from the well-dressed woman in the grocery store or at the wedding) does he feel like a tzaddik and someone that Hashem loves and embraces?! The answer should be a resounding YES!! Unfortunately, so many guys do not give themselves the immense credit they deserve for doing this and only do the opposite - blast themselves (as was written above "and nothing feels worse to me") when they slip a bit. If they would only walk around with pride, knowing how many times they looked away, they would slip much less. People who are shmattes masturbate etc. a lot more than the guys with pride.

I want to add to what Hashem Help Me said… When we start working on focusing on davening and not lusting after guys… Not only we are rewarded for focusing on davening, but also for every second we didn’t lust. At least In this aspect I have no doubt our teflios are more dear to Hashem.
My story https://guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/343353-Eish-Emes-intro

Feel free to contact me privately for connection and support forbsw@gmail.com.
Last Edit: 23 Feb 2023 13:40 by eish emes. Reason: Typo

Re: Eish Emes intro 03 Mar 2023 03:30 #392930

  • eish emes
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I took a little bit of a break, but would like to continue with my story. Although the previous parts of my story has been pretty detailed and open. The next part includes things I don’t think it’s appropriate to be detailed in a such a public forum. I also don’t want to trigger anyone or bring people down with certain details. But, I do want to share how low I went, because even though I fell to such  low place B”H I got up.

Over a several year period I went from online chatting on particular apps to “virtual meetings” to to “in person meetings.” This went on over a several year period with long and short periods of stopping and restarting.

Just prior to me starting with some of the worse stuff I went to a therapist, not for my sex related issues, but for self esteem and anxiety issues. At that point I would occasionally slip with porn and masturbation, but it wasn’t such an issue. I’m not blaming him because I’m responsible for my actions. However, I had a horrible therapy experience. That lead me in a downward spiral. That together with other things going on I’m my life led me to hit new lows.

There were many periods of ups and downs for several years. COVID was particularly difficult especially just after things reopened. I eventually got to the point I wanted it to stop. I went to a highly recommended therapist who specializes in these issues. He was great and very helpful. I stopped the worse behaviors and porn and masturbation was becoming less frequent. However I did keep falling ever so often even though I was trying very hard.

I believe it was during COVID I heard about the benefits of psychedelics. I started doing a lot of research. Eventually I found an opportunity to do psychedelic mushrooms with a professional. It was a very powerful experience for me. I feel like It reset my brain. The mushrooms together with the recent therapy and years of recovery work put me in a very good place mentally. Im now 6 months clean from all forms of acting out. I’ve been working very hard of shirmas ayayim and keeping lust out of my life. I can share more, but I’m so grateful to Hashem for being where I am today. That’s completes my story. I hope my story gives chizuk. Feel free to reach out for support.

My story https://guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/343353-Eish-Emes-intro

Feel free to contact me privately for connection and support forbsw@gmail.com.

Re: Eish Emes intro 13 Oct 2023 08:24 #402212

Eish Emes wrote on 03 Mar 2023 03:30:

I took a little bit of a break, but would like to continue with my story. Although the previous parts of my story has been pretty detailed and open. The next part includes things I don’t think it’s appropriate to be detailed in a such a public forum. I also don’t want to trigger anyone or bring people down with certain details. But, I do want to share how low I went, because even though I fell to such  low place B”H I got up.

Over a several year period I went from online chatting on particular apps to “virtual meetings” to to “in person meetings.” This went on over a several year period with long and short periods of stopping and restarting.

Just prior to me starting with some of the worse stuff I went to a therapist, not for my sex related issues, but for self esteem and anxiety issues. At that point I would occasionally slip with porn and masturbation, but it wasn’t such an issue. I’m not blaming him because I’m responsible for my actions. However, I had a horrible therapy experience. That lead me in a downward spiral. That together with other things going on I’m my life led me to hit new lows.

There were many periods of ups and downs for several years. COVID was particularly difficult especially just after things reopened. I eventually got to the point I wanted it to stop. I went to a highly recommended therapist who specializes in these issues. He was great and very helpful. I stopped the worse behaviors and porn and masturbation was becoming less frequent. However I did keep falling ever so often even though I was trying very hard.

I believe it was during COVID I heard about the benefits of psychedelics. I started doing a lot of research. Eventually I found an opportunity to do psychedelic mushrooms with a professional. It was a very powerful experience for me. I feel like It reset my brain. The mushrooms together with the recent therapy and years of recovery work put me in a very good place mentally. Im now 6 months clean from all forms of acting out. I’ve been working very hard of shirmas ayayim and keeping lust out of my life. I can share more, but I’m so grateful to Hashem for being where I am today. That’s completes my story. I hope my story gives chizuk. Feel free to reach out for support.

Maybe you didn't have time or energy to write more but this felt like a massive anti climax to me. You spent so long detailing what is frankly a horrific childhood and a massive battle since then, lots of therapy and hard work, then.....the solution was shrooms!? Are we missing more of the story. 

Re: Eish Emes intro 31 Oct 2023 03:19 #403015

  • yidelleh
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Incredible story. Thank you for sharing. 

Some parts of your story are an eye opener for me as I have similar urges and may help me explore areas that can help me become a better person. 

Re: Eish Emes intro 31 Oct 2023 16:40 #403035

  • chancy
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Yes Shrooms.... you are not missing anything but shrooms......
Ive done lots of reaserach on this for months, and im blown away by the stories. and im not looking at some random studies. I know persoannly many many people who have taken shrooms for thier own issues, and everyone came out changed from it. 
In very basic terms it works like this. 
You need to have a goal in mind where you want to get too, lets say "I want to love my wife more" or " I want to let go of my guilt" or "why am i so anxious" 
Once the shrooms take effect, your conscious and controlling brain goes offline. and that allows you to access parts of your brain you never did, long lost memories come into being like they are happening now, you can feel and see all of your strong emotions and everything you have been hiding from for years and there is nowhere to run or hide, you just sit there for 6 hours and are exposed to everything you know. Its teaches you who you are! 
Afterward, you will integrate with a professional or therapist and you can start from a completely new place. Some describe the difference in the brain before and after to that of a well-traversed snow train on the mountain versus a freshly snowed upon mountain, on the first you are basically forced into the old grooves, and in the second,  you are able to create your own fresh path.....

Who wouldn't want that?

Re: Eish Emes intro 31 Oct 2023 16:51 #403036

  • ainshumyeiush
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Just a word of caution, do not try this on your own. I tried doing this (with weed, not the same i know but similar) by myself and it only made things worse. Please discuss it with a therapist/doctor/somebody. It might not be the right thing for you. Its a very individualized and personal decision and things can go wrong very easily 
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm" - Winston Churchill

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Re: Eish Emes intro 31 Oct 2023 16:53 #403037

  • ainshumyeiush
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Im not trying to say that it cant/wont/didn't work. Just don't think its the cure-all and just jump in 
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm" - Winston Churchill

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