Hi, my "name" is Gates. I've been on GYE for a few months, but although I've gotten a lot of hashpa'ah, have not really participated much directly. Long story short, I'm in my fifties, have been married over twenty years, and have been dealing with porn and masturbation issues for most of my adult life. I've gotten away from it for pretty long periods of time, but sooner or later have fallen back into it again, including once since I started here. My wife is amazing and has been very patient with me, but this is very clearly my last, last chance and I really don't want to blow it this time. So far I've been clean for over a month, and I plan on staying that way, one day at a time. I'm currently recovering from a serious operation, and I plan on using the time on introspection, improving myself, and in being grateful to Hashem that he's giving me another chance to make it right in olam hazeh. So that's my story, or the short version of it anyway. Thank you GYE for giving me an anonymous place to discuss this, and for showing me that I am not alone in this struggle.