Grant400 wrote on 24 Jul 2020 03:44:
My dear beloved Dave,
let me attempt a fave,
to change your perspective,
I hope I'm not to reflective,
you created a way of life,
hoping you wont fall into sin or strife,
love for g-d was your goal,
sacrificing for your soul,
suddenly arrived a new disease,
destroying the way you lived with ease,
destroying the walls you built,
landing you in the silt,
oh, we strive to live in purity,
but how can we expect it as a surety,
you didn't fall as you believe,
rather your walls breached like a sieve,
we can change regular to protected,
but we cannot see the unexpected,
so despair not my dear friend,
for you can easily make amends,
your fortress of 572,
was not destroyed I assur you,
but rather a demand for second in place,
you will abide with abundant grace,
creating a beautiful new reality,
pleasing to your creator in its entirety,
erasing access to filth and more,
rising to the standards of before,
I beg forgiveness for this rant,
your loving friend Grant.
Grant- Your poem means alot to me. It takes time to write something like that. You are very talented person. Not only from your poem, but from your other post, it is clear that yo have a lot of creativity. May Hashem guide you to always and only use your creativity for good things.