Hey Getting Help,
I hope that things worked out for you for Yom Tov! I can partially relate to the feeling of poverty. There was a time when I had no money, and no realistic way of getting any, and I had to pay for rent, credit card bills, etc. I went to the Kosel (one of the advantages of living in Yerushalayim), and davened in a way that I hadn't before. That month, somehow, I was able to pay the bills on time. Over the next year, the same thing happened a few more times. At some point I realized, that having no money was/is Hashem's way of making sure that I keep a close relationship (כביכול) with Him. I chose to look at it as a wake up call. I also tried more seriously to keep myself clean. I found this site by accident, even though my filter was set to a whitelist. I am now clean for close to 60 days, my longest streak since i began keeping track.
Some thoughts on some of the things that you mentioned in your 2 posts:
1) You CAN DO IT!! You did it once before, that means you have the capability in you!
2) Hashem loves you more than you can ever realize. HE is rooting for you! HE is your biggest fan! HE wants you to succeed!
3) Hashem will help us in our struggles, but we have to be really committed to the fight. We need to really give it all we got. Once upon a time i was having a hard time getting up for Shachris. I would daven to Hashem, and ask for His help, but it didn't seem to work. One time, after concluding such a tefilah, a voice said inside my head, "if you really wanted ti get up on time, you would set an alarm clock!" Since then i have realized that I need to REALLY commit to the fight, and when i do, Hashem helps me in many unanticipated ways.
4) Since you did manage to stay clean for a while, that means you are a stronger fighter than before. It takes a bigger bang to knock you off course. The Yetzer Hara doesn't give up. He can lose 1000 times in a row, and he will still come at us with the same intensity the 1001st time! He is upping the ante, because he knows that is the only way to get you. Unfortunately, this time he won. But knowing what is going on is the first step in mounting a successful defense. The more a person grows, the harder the tests will be.
5) I heard this from my Rabbeim. Hashem gives us tests that we can pass. He doesn't give us a nisayon that we are forced to fail. Hashem knows exactly what our limits are, and He will psh us to those limits, but not beyond them. Whatever comes your way, you are equipped to handle, and you have the tools within you to win. Sometimes we need some external help, and then our nisayon is for us to take "some humble pie" and ask someone to guide us out of the confusion that we are mired in .
6) As far as going to the Mekubal, if it works for you, great. I heard from a well known Mekubal, that when people come to him asking for a tikun for something that they have done, he tells them that Chazal say there are 4 steps to Teshuvah. חרטה, וידוי, עזיבת החטא, וקבלה על העתיד. Only after that is done can a penitent seek a Tikun. He compared it to a car that is in a serious accident. First you fix the engine, and only after do you get a fresh paint job. I do not mean to denigrate the person you are going to, and if it works, go for it. This is just my own uneducated 2 cents on the matter. This same person also said (I have this in print), if a mekubal seeks/demands money for his advice/blessings, stay far away from him!
I hope things will start to improve from here on.
תמיד תהיה מין הנותנים ולא מהמקבלים