Shalom aleichem,
I'll jump right into my story. I am 27 and a baale teshuva ( about 17-18 years) . I first started watching P*** and Mas***** when I was around 15. Back then internet wasn't that easy to reach so I was falling maybe once or twice a month. But then as Internet grew and the speed is faster I started falling more and more. I went to yeshiva for a year in 2007 and even there I would borrow friend's laptop to feed into the lust. After yeshiva I came back home and now the smartphones came out which made everything that much harder. Since then I have been receiving daily chizuk emails and being on the 90 day chart on and off. The most I have been clean for the past 12 years or so is about 3-4 weeks which only happens 2 or 3 time other than that I have been repeatedly falling 2-3 times a week. I have been reading the handbook, windows to the sould, writing my own journey and what makes me fall and almost all the suggestions on this website but today again after 2 weeks I fell. I feel like I have tried everything but I fall right back into it and I just want to give up. Baruch Hashem , Toda LaHashem I have never had sexual contact or relationship. Honestly I don't know what else to do. I keep feeling I can do it , then I am clean for couple of days and then I just get right back to everything the same way it has been happening for the past 15 years.
I am here to get helped and BH put a stop once for all. Please help me out, I am doing my hishtadlut and I hope Hashem gives me the proper guidance through you guys.
Thank you