shmirashachaim wrote on 24 Mar 2016 17:19:
Hey fb... little late to your thread but glad i got to it eventually. I feel your pain. I feel it so much because i was there as well. I know the feeling of going through Yeshiva on the outside on a high but in the inside low. I was considered one of the top of my shiur for a while, and viewed as a baal midos, tzaddik, masmid, lamdin, and add on a few more. I really wanted kervas Hashem, and i had a real yearning for limod hatorah, and mussur and everything else, and i didnt know what to do with this deep dark secret. It killed me and confused me for years. So much confusion and depression. I felt lost and many times burnt out of yiddishkeit and burnt out from living. My davening and emunah was hurt like crazy and just sat in went through life in lostness and confusion I am hurting now thinking what you may be going through.
I don't have much advise to give because I am still working on myself and still struggling, but i'll throw in my two cents:
Besides my struggle with addiction, i have many struggles in life. One of them is the struggle of kavod. I like kovad. simple. eventhough my avodas Hashem isn't a complete fake, i obsess over what others think about me and my image. I felt that letting go of this helped me with my addiction because addiction has a lot to do with sheker, and becoming more emestik helps.
You seem like a very good bachar, so i felt this might be relevant to you. If not at least i was able to post on your forum! Hatzlacha and keep in mind that you can and will get better!
It might not be conventional to quote myself, but I wanted to continue on my two cents for a while on on Kovod and emes. I was going to write about being honest with myself was a huge step for me as RS said- about being honest what state I’m in etc. and I was going to say how my addiction feeds on me lying to myself in other ways as well. For example There were many times that I would tell myself i could do a particular activity even though that activity can easily lead me to inappropriate material because there is nothing wrong with it. I know I'm only doing it so that I can just "slip" into whatever I'm lusting for but I tell myself this anyways. I simultaneously tell myself i'm doing something for innocent reasons and for not innocent reasons. Also, sheker places a role in the many ways my mind tells me that acting out will solve the many problems I have in life. No matter how many times I tell myself and no matter how obvious it is that this is not so, when im lusting this is what my mind tells me. The working of my mind when it comes to lusting is the epitome of sheker
Now, I wanted to say the connection of kavod to addiction I have found by me:First of all, I found that being more emestic in general helped me to be more emestic with my addiction. Training my brain to be emestic with other people affected my ability to be more emestic with myself regarding my addiction and the chasronos I have that led to my addiction. When I obsessed with my kovad and did things with alternative motives and stressed what others thought of me, I trained my brain to not be yasher, which affected my ability to be yusher with myself as well. Second of all, there is only so much I can put my focus on. Being so focused on what others thought about me took away my ability to focus on what
I think of me. My being outer focused of thinking what others think took away my ability to be inner focused to figure out how to deal with this addiction and why I have this addiction. Furthermore, for technical reasons my worry about what others thought of me got in the way of what I needed to do to help staying sober. For example, I never left Yeshiva to do anything recreational. I learnt most of the day and maybe schmoozed a little by meals. I found that relaxing more helped replace the “excitement” of acting out with healthier “excitement”. The daily grind of each day made me restless until I acted out. Incorporating healthy activities helped me. However until then I refused any offer of friends to do anything because of my “shtarkness” and therefor let my need for relaxation fall to lust. Again, I wasn’t doing this completely to hold up a fake image. I held of myself of being “shtark”. But I struggled with this even when I knew I needed to get out and do healthier things because of my image and convinced myself to continue being “shtark” and I’ll prevail. I was not only lying to others but to myself as well. Hope I wasn’t too confusing and I realize much of this probably only pertains to me, but in any case love to share about myself and connecting… I am still a newbie and desperately need it!