Please HaShem, help me and everyone else who wants or who wants to want to be clean.
Each day, every day, all day.
HaShem you know how much I struggle, you know how much we all struggle.
I ask of you dear Father in Heaven just one thing, please give us the strength to stay clean.
We just want to do the right thing, we just want to serve you.
Please keep us from getting involved in anything we should not be getting involved in.
You want us to, we want to as well.
We want to listen to you, dear father, please help us do so.
We don't deserve anything, we realize it is all from you.
Please just help us. We want to be helped.
We are willing to let you take over, we know we are in the best of hands.
Please, please listen to our heartfelt prayer.
Raise us up above all of this shmutz, let us completely forget these evil thoughts we have/had.
Continue please, to give us strength, never let us go.
Bind us tightly as harp strings, so that we may play beautiful music; now, we are like cut strings, which play no music and have no control when a wind comes and blows.
Please make us innocent as before we got involved in things we shouldn't have.
Hashiveinu H' eilecha v'nashuva chadeish yameinu k'kedem.
Please give us true joy of kibush hayetzer this Purim.
Thank you H' for this and for everything.