Whoa....easy on this well-meaning guy.
Of course the only relevant question to godhelp here, is: "Are you successfully sober yourself, or not?"...but he means well because he refers to the same recovery concepts that all goyim and Jews find in successful 12-step recovery. Concepts that enable them to step out of the way and truly allow G-d into their lives. In Chabad, for example, that would be referred to as the (major) idea of 'Bitul'.
But godhelp (and everyone else) knows that there are many, many chabadniks who learn and know Tanya and are still powerless, failing and miserable sex addicts. I sponsor two of them and know
dozens more - and love all of them. None of the ones I know ever got sober because of the chassidus they have learned, and they readily admit that. And they work recovery humbly. And they are still mashpi'im and rabbis, etc., just as they were all the years they were having sex with themselves or others.
What got them sober and
keeps them sober is the getting out of G-d's way that they now do one day at a time, be"H.
All the Tanya in the world did not help them do it before, and how ironic it is that they found the tools to do that by attending meetings with
goyim - or even worse, with
misnagdim! I should know, for my first SA sponsor was a goy (and BTW, in 15 years of sobriety he never once brought up his or my own religion!).
And finally, one of the precious brochos that
I only learned from the 12-step program is that even though I am sober for over 17 years one day at a time now, it is not because of Torah. Rather, it is because I allowed concepts that are in the Torah (and found elsewhere, too) into myself in a practical sense. So I will never be fooled that it was my religiosity that got me sober. No one can trick me into retroactively saying it was my frumkeit or yiddishkeit that got me sober! Boruch Hashem for that. For
that would be the first step back into the toilet bowl for me, since it would just be a face-saving lie. And lying/faking is
far more toxic for me than even lusting is.
So if anybody can learn these things from chassidus, then the one relevant question is this: "Is it working for you? Are you sober from it and staying sober, or not?" If so, then great! Keep doing it! But it obviously does not work many, because here we who have been learning chassidus are right here on GYE! If 'chasidus' or 'Torah' works, then how'd we get into this mess in the first place and why are we still looking for help? There is an elephant in the room, boys. And it's feet are sticky...
If it is not working for us, that's OK - for you are not alone! You can join the club. SA meetings/12 steps is not the only answer there is, but I know many, many sober sexaholics who are even frummer than you and I are, and yet are b"H sober through 12-step recovery today. Had they remained
still be masturbating themselves and worse, using porn 'mit a firedikeh brenn' and later 'doing Teshuvah ila'ah', confusing themselves more and more and living in a slow hell -
as they proved for years and years. The very same journey that so many of us frum, sober pervs are familiar with.