"TEMPTATION is subtle and powerful, and is regarded as an enemy; but it is only an enemy in the
sense that THE ONE TEMPTED IS HIS OWN ENEMY. In the sense that it is the revealer of weakness
and impurity ,IT IS A FRIEND,a necessary factor in spiritual training. It is, indeed, an accom-
paniment of the effort to overcome evil and apprehend good. To be successfully conquered, the evil in man must come to the surface and present itself, and it is temptation that the evil hidden in the heart stands revealed and exposed."
"It can scarcely be said of the merely animal man that he is tempted, for the very presence of temptation means that there is a striving for a purer state. Animal desire and gratification is the normal condition of the man who has not yet risen into aspiration. He
wishes for nothing more, nothing better, than his sensual enjoyments, and is, for the present, satisfied. Such a man cannot be tempted to fall, for he has not yet risen."
"While a man continues to run away from outward objects, under the delusion that temptation subsists entirely in them, and does not attack and purge away his impure imaginings, his temptations will increase, and his falls will be many and grievous. When a man clearly perceives that the evil is within and not without, then his progress will be rapid, his temptations will decrease, and the final overcoming of all temptations will be well within the range of his spiritual vision."
"The stronger a man's passions [i.e. lust,hatred,anger,covetousness(לא תחמוד),pride,vanity,greed,revenge,envy,back-biting (אונאת דברים),lying,theft,deceit,treachery(מכה רעהו בסתר),cruelty,suspicion,jealousy], the fiercer
will be his temptations; the deeper his selfishness,the more subtle his temptations; the more pronounced his vanity, the more flattering and deceptive his temptations.
"LET THE TEMPTED ONE KNOW THIS : That he himself is both tempter and tempted; that all his enemies are within; that the flatterers which seduce, the taunts that stab, and the flames
which burn, all spring from that inner region of ignorance and error in which he has hitherto lived. Knowing this, let him be assured of complete victory over evil. When he is sorely tempted, let him not mourn, therefore, but let him rejoice in that his strength is tried and his weakness exposed. For he who truly knows and humbly acknowledges his weakness wil not be slow in setting about the acquisition of strength."
(James Allen,1864-1912)