You seem to really be doing great!!!
You wrote somewhere else that we should tell everyone to go to 12 steps, just wanted to voice something that has been spoken about here.
Most people do not like being convinced of things, and when one tries convincing me, the more skeptical I get about it. When trying to show someone else what has helped, we need to remember not to push it upon them, we are not in control of them.
Most of the time we are really well meaning, thinking "Poor guy, he's hurting himself so bad, and I know just the right thing for him!!" But the stark reality is, we can't force him to do anything!!
In meetings and on the phone we share our experience, we never tell the other person what to do. We don't give advice, if they want to follow what worked for us, then they are more than welcome to, but pushing them will only push them further away!!
Just speaking from experience, seriously!!