I remember someone mentioning to me once that he goes to a "Loshon Hora Shiur" every Sunday night.
I asked him in jest, "Does only the one who gives the shiur speak Loshon Hora at the shiur, or can the participants join in?"
Obviously I was making note of the fact that it should be referred to as a "Shmiras Haloshon Shiur" not as a "Loshon Horah Shiur"!
On the same note, The meetings for recovering alcoholics are called "AA" meetings, meaning "Alchaholcs Anonymous" meetings. and based on that, the meetings for Sexaholics are called "SA" (Sexaholics Anonymous) meetings.
Wouldn't it be more appropriate to refer to the meetings as RSA, meaning "RECOVERING Sexaholics Anonymous"???
Some expected responses:
>> "Not all the alchaholics/sexaholics who go to these meetings recover" - true, but Isn't the purpose of the meetings to try to help them recover? Just as in a "Pilots Training course" not all the participants will end up as trained pilots.
>> "The most basic part of recovery is "The realization of the addict that he is a Sexaholic!" - True, That's all the more reason to call it "sexaholics recovery", meaning recovery for those who realize that they are Sexaholics.
>>everyone always calls it AA and SA, and you can't change the world!" - I'm not trying to! I'm just making a suggestion to those few who would like to begin "Thinking Positive"!
[BTW a great man once said "Some say 'You can't change the world', I say 'If you change yourself, you have made a change in the world, and thus, You have Changed the World!"].