Thanks for your encouragement. I am over three weeks fully clean. A couple weeks ago I had the most unusual experience.
in the midst of extreme emotional and spiritual pain, I suffered greatly thinking of all the regrets I have. I was thinking of my loved ones and how much of their lives I destroyed like a reckless tornado plowing through the trust that they had in me, especially my wife by all of the actions I took in my secret, second life. I was literally lying on my side, crying out loud with great sobs like a child who has been greatly injured. I was in Hell.
Then something happened. I am unable to explain what it was, but I can describe it. A short time after that, maybe the next morning, I was overcome and overwhelmed with an intense feeling of indescribable ecstasy, bliss and deep, lasting joy. I don’t know why, but that feeling is still in full force. My vision is clearer; I live near beautiful snow-covered mountains, and they used to look like an amazing painting to me. Now they are alive; I see the three dimensions of the mountains in the stillness of the space they occupy as if they had never had that aspect. I see a deeper, difficult to describe, dare I say spiritual dimension to those mountains. I see that same Light and aliveness in every living thing: trees, birds, animals, even so-called non-living things such as boulders, rocks, and so on.
The most amazing new perception I now have is when I interact with people. I see an infinite soul when I look in their eyes. I see light. I look in the mirror, locking eyes on this guy standing there looking at me, and I see incredible confidence, lack of selfish ego, and I feel the most intense love any human could ever feel. I have truly fallen in love with this person in the mirror, in a very non-narcissistic, completely selfless way. I see his innocence and come to realize when I gaze upon his face that he is truly something not of this mundane world. He is infinite and divine.
I constantly have a big wide smile on my face. Each moment I realize I have never been here before. Never in this place, and certainly never in this very time or moment, slice of eternity. I stand completely dumbfounded at what I see, as if it had never existed before this moment. I see my dogs lying on the bed asleep. I see the crumpled sheets, the sunshine coming in the slightly dirty window, a pair of shoes sitting on the floor. I see plates and cups on the counter; everything is perfect. Tears of joy stream down my cheeks for the wonderfulness of it all.
Nothing is other than it should be. My life, the people around me, with all of the happiness or sadness or calm or turmoil, it is all perfect. I have felt a couple of times a slight pull to lookup something mildly pornographic or start a random sex chat, but something inside me, a positive force of Love has deterred my actions in a completely non-forceful, non-fighting sort of way. The same has occurred with self-touch. My hands have gone down there a bit, but then a thought comes into my mind: I am not that guy anymore. He is dead. Mourn his lost for his is no longer with us. I AM a new person.
I have deep gratitude for this new gift of insight and outlook on life. I cannot comprehend what has happened to me, but I love it and I am thankful. A new strategy, not from my own mind or my own thinking, has been given to me to overcome pornography, masturbation and sexual chatting. I am done with the “not” plan. Before, when I was winning the war on PMO, I was NOT cheating on my wife. I was NOT masturbating. I was NOT looking at porn. NOT, NOT NOT. It has always been about NOT. Today, NOT is not enough. NOT doesn’t cut it, because when my mind says don’t masturbate, don’t look at porn, don’t sex chat, it only hears “masturbate, porn, sex chat”. Those behaviors were trying to fill a void, an emptiness inside me. I have by some miracle found that Thing that those actions were trying to fill me with. I am filled. I am full of Love, love for you, even if I may not know you very well or at all, love for my wife, my kids, my family, my coworkers, for the lady on the cell phone who cuts me off and causes me to slam on my breaks. I especially have love and compassion for her. I have love for the guy pushing the shopping cart full of aluminum cans. I love myself. I love God, for he is in everyone, and the miracle I just realized is that God is even in me!
Everything in the past is a non-existent non-reality of a dream, even 5 seconds ago. It is in my mind only. Negative feelings about the past will not change it. Maybe that is why I have forgiven myself. Maybe that is why the guilt and shame are gone. There are no regrets remaining. The future is a non-existent dream as well. Negative thoughts about it like worry and anxiety are futile. Nothing I do will change what is. It is what it is, and now I don’t resent that fact, I embrace it and love the fact that all is exactly as it should be.
I have been working for 4 years and had a few experiences like this, but this one this week seemed like a random gift. What happened? I don’t know. I like the “I don’t know” position. It feels very comfortable, like a nice soft lazy boy recliner. I don’t know. I love that. I have no need to know. I will just do the next right thing, and I will know what it is, and I will know what to do. All of this came almost suddenly to me, and it feels permanent. We will have to give it time to know for sure, but today, right now, I am the Buddha. I am indeed fully enlightened, at least for now, and what a fantastic Joy I feel. I don’t feel that Joy. I am Joy. I am Love.