mr.clean wrote:
I really have been working on myself that last few months lusting wise etc. does that all go out the window because of what i did for 30 min this past shabbos? (I'm asking without any sarcasm I really wanna know if it means i was just fooling myself the whole time)
Shivisi responds:
Even if you fall again and again, and even if your fall was so harsh that you seemed to have collapsed your whole building, and UNDONE everything which you have accomplished until then, You are NEVER back at point ZERO. Yes, sure you are starting the 90 day count again from Zero and you are RETURNING to level O (or 1), but remember this- you always start off with the previous count, or sometimes many counts and building experiences from the past counts. You take all that with you on your new journey, and if you work correctly they will help you progress better than you were able to do before you had accumulated these experiences
You use each fall to learn and do better next time - but it is not only learning from the fall itself, but
taking with you to the new start all the encouragement and the ideas and suggestions which you got during your past journey(s), and of course there is also the tremendous z'chus of abstaining from acting out for whatever amount of time it was, which no matter how many times afterward you fall again, you will NEVER lose!!!! and which you take with you as a merit for siyata Dishmaya to help you reach even greater heights on your newest drive.
Keep up the great work, and keep up the great spirits!
Have a happy purim, and "A GANTZ YOR FREILACH!!!!