mussar voice
: what kind of gayvah is this? who cares if you're choshuv or not? just do the right thing.
lets do the musar together,
did you say in the morning נשמה שנתת בי "טהורה" היא ? is this gayvah?
did you say אוזר ישראל בגבורה , עוטר ישראל בתפארה ? is this gayvah?
we will davn shavuos אתה בחרתנו מכל העמים is this gayvah?
this is just realizing the gift hasham gave us called nashomah !! so now we can do the right things, like the singer who realized that he's able to sing so he took the mike,
so what is gayvah? let see what's the conception of the pala yoetz
ואין אתנו יודע מה הוא גאוה אבל סימן יש מכח הבן להכיר כח האב כי ההקפדה והכעס וכדו' הם בני הגאוה
we dont know the definition of gayvah but, at we look on the consequence we can find anger, resentment, etc. so we can identify what's gayvah,
so we can find that real gayvah is self-centered, selfishness, ego, shows up in anger, resentment, restless, discontent, all of those end up in addictions
so together we will get rid from all that stuff
איש את רעהו יעזרו ולאחיו יאמר חזק!!!