Thanks "inastruggle" and "gibbor120". Today I actually had a great day. Bein hasedorim, I went to a mall with my wife and kid to pick up some clothing on sale and upon noticing all the provocative immoral banners and posters hanging on every women's clothing storefront screaming for my attention to look, I happily turned away and couldn't help but think to myself how lucky I am to be a frum yid with a neshama infused with kedushah. I felt I am so much more elevated than these low shmutz seeking advertisers. I felt the same about the skimpy dressed people shopping in the mall as well. I came back to kollel for second seder and learned with a renewed enthusiasm, knowing that deep down I am a very holy person (like every other Jew!), and I just have a struggle to overcome. Pretty interesting place to be mechuzak if you ask me! I hope to keep up this chizuk Has--m has given me and to get back into my biking exercise which has fallen by the wayside for the past week due to my lazy, lethargic attitude. "Gibbor120" couldn't have said it any better, KOT everyone!