Hi, I have been trying to shteig for a while now, but new to GYE...
My story, where should I start?
I have been married for 4+ years, and have 2 adorable kinderlach. My taavos history goes back to high school, because I am human, but the internet aspect didn't really become such a factor until I started working. Well, as I am writing this, I am remembering that I had a couple of online incidents in high school, but not on a regular basis.
I had an internship a couple of years ago. It was supposed to be 12 weeks, but it ended up lasting seven weeks, because I was caught looking at shmutz at work. I don't know who caught me, there was another frum guy working there, but I don't think it was him. I never asked him if everyone (including him) found out why I left the company unexpectedly. I guess it doesn't really matter who caught me, does it? My boss was as nice about it as he could be, but there were no 2nd chances. At that point, my wife found out about my problem. She was not happy, but she has been supportive.
I spoke to a rebbe from my yeshiva, who referred me to a therapist. It was good to speak to him about it, but at $100+/hr., I didn't want to waste a second talking about side matters. That therapy effectively ate up the money I had made from working that summer.
After sending a lot of random emails to people in my field, and applying to job postings for a couple of years, I miraculously had a mamish perfect job, exactly what I was looking for, fall right into my lap fairly recently. (Somehow the background check did not disqualify me.) But what do you know, the computers in my new company are also equipped with internet. As I got comfortable here, I started to be nichshal again. It only takes a second to hit "minimize" once I hear footsteps coming. (I work in a cubicle.) I run to the bathroom to "relieve" my taivos. Last month, I was successful at staying clean the day my wife went to the mikva, but I have to make sure I have enough work to do to stay busy!
I probably cannot install a filter on my work computer, or ask my boss if its OK to install one. I have K9 filter and screenshot-based monitoring at home. The work computer is monitored by the company, but I hope and pray that they don't check their logs unless they have a reason to suspect you. Of course I hope even more that any dirt they have on me is, in a few months from now, going to be a few months old, and a few years from now, a few years old.
That's basically my story. Does anyhave have advice for me about which features of GYE are the most important to focus on? It looks like they have a lot of stuff here, but where should I start?
Any thoughts?