Machshovo wrote on 31 Oct 2012 14:47:
Arggh i cant shut off my Bing images it's on an administratyor setting and i i can alway set the safe search to off which is killin me!
Dear friend,
When a major hurricane is looming and they say to evacuate, we mustn't be smarter to think that we can hang around and not be harmed. We need to run for our lives and keep a safe distance from harm's way. If we find that a computer (or other electronic gadget) is harmful to our health, and has caused us much damage in the past, we must avoid it like a plague. If we keep coming back for more, be it kosher or non-kosher stuff, we will inevitably be sucked in once again. And again. And again.
For example, a holy GYE friend of ours just sent me a link to Yeshiva World where he wants me to check out the devastation that happened this week in his area. B"H I did not click on that 'kosher' link, cuz I know my weakness, and I try to never forget the many times where I started out by looking at such 'important' current events, and somehow ended up in 'she'ol tachtis'. So I have a policy (yes with neder and knas) be"H not to go into 'any' website or any link which is not absolutely necessary (and absolutely kosher).
I just read this week from R' Chaim Schmulevitz zt"l that although Hashem does not give us nisyonos that we cannot handle, but if we put ourselves in harm's way and we cause our nisyonos - those are not covered by this guarantee, and we will ch"v fall big-time.
So dear friend, we need not be in a state of yi'ush. We can make today the first day of our life with a fresh start and with renewed hope of getting back on the road to recovery. BUT for heaven's sake, first let's put down that 'bottle', and be committed to stay away from it. And then we can say to Hashem, "We have done whatever is in our power - please do Your share and help us succeed."
Amen, kein yehi ratzon
Dear MT (is that a reference to Libi Halal b'kirby?)
Beautiful words man, beautiful words.
Your wisdom is much and your thoughts, good.
NOW, does that mean i need to quit my job? i really don't know myself.
I'll give you a quick update where i'm holding-
I am really curious and love reading about) interesting things... (READ Shmutz kishuv mysteries thrillers and the like YEAH! HARRY POTTER!) and can somtimes be a danger to myself even without internet (if i have access to interesting literature) even reading intersting shaalot uteshuvot sefarim
but over all if i stay away it's much easier to focus on positive stuff.
Now in my work allour prorams are internet based, yeah there's filtering, but it's not perfect- especially in regards to all those STUPID STUPID STUPID "jewish" "heimish" blogs- not really knocking Vosizneias or YWN, but they are also not faultless...
I also have a huge interest in pro-sports so although it's sorta benign, you end up in sites which are not optimal.
I have had success with the "NO INTERNET FOR ANTHING NO WORK RELATED" the longest period being approx. 3 months, the drawback is when i do go i end up falling all the way (you fell right, nu just finish it off and get it over with... BE QUIET YH! go bother some possum!).
I made a new program, the rule are as follows;
I have a shomer- he doesn't really have to know where i went, all he knows iws that i am wasting time and yiras shomayim online) i have to give him $20 cash at the begining of every week, any time i go online non work related- BAM that $20 goes to the tseddaka of his coice AND it needs to be replaced with another $20. at the end of the week the 20 goes into the holding account. the next week a new $20 is required with the same rules, but if there's a fall (non work related internet NWRI for short) then the 20 plus half of the holding account goes and the new 20 needs replacement.
After some time (i haven't decided yet, maybe before my next trip to NY) i can Cash out and use all the money in the holding for something nice.
so far it's costed a lotta dough, but thats the point!
thanks again