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im realy scared aged 14
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TOPIC: im realy scared aged 14 866 Views

im realy scared aged 14 14 Oct 2012 15:52 #146107

  • dov728
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when i was 11 my teacher told the class how bad it is to waste seed at to look at woman ect
i couldnt controll myself and i did im not addicted or anything serius but im worried about the past go here and youll see why www.briskodesh.org/pages/bris/spilling-seed.htm and i heard there is no teshuvah for wasting seed and is it normal for frum teenagers to have this problem

Re: im realy scared aged 14 14 Oct 2012 19:18 #146113

WHOA, calm down buddy.

Yes its VERY normal.

The Ramban says that an attraction to men comes from too much desire for woman. An excessive amount of lusting after women can make a guy go 'loopy' I personally think that you need to. A- never act on an urge towards a man. EVER. Work on stopping to waste seed and Get some Hobbies and be involved in them.

Unfortunately people like to quote the zohar that says theres no teshuva for wasting seed but the reishit chochma says that there is. And his rayah is from the dor hamabul that there sin was zera levatala AKA wasting seed but Noach spent YEARS!! trying to get them to do teshuva.

Listen, Oyvey. (lol thats funny)

Get busy with living life stay away from the circumstances that cause you to spill seed. The Guard your Eyes Handbook is very good but I cant tell you to read It because I have no Idea where your holding in this issue. So for now I would tell you to be active.


Re: im realy scared aged 14 15 Oct 2012 04:22 #146133

  • 1daat
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Baal Ha'Tanya is very clear that there is T'shuvah for zl.

The link you posted is very scary. I would go over it with a rov you trust and like. find a mashpia who is kind and worldly, and ask his opinion. I'm very uncomfortable with what I read, and I'm an old man.

I don't think you have enough info to be scaring yourself so badly. I don't mean to be condescending, but because of your age, perhaps the guidance of a rov would be helpful.

I wish you well, and admire your courage to post.

Re: im realy scared aged 14 15 Oct 2012 05:34 #146139

  • Blind Beggar
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Blind wrote on 23 Sep 2012 12:32:

The Zohar says there IS teshuva for zera levatola - I have seen it with my own eyes.

The Gra explains the Zohar you are referring to - he says all avieros are in the lower 7 sefiros from Chesed to Malchus and teshuva is in Bina which is above them all. That is why teshuva helps for all avieros. Zera levatola comes from the brain which is Chochma which is above Bina so the Zohar says teshuva does not help. The Gra says that teshuva with Torah does help because Torah is also in Chochma. So do teshuva and learn Torah.

Chassidish seforim follow the Reishis Chochma and say that only low-grade teshuva does not help but high-grade teshuva (Teshuva Illah) does help. Teshuva Illah is teshuva from love of Hashem rather than from fear of punishment. There are other types of teshuva illah, read the seforim.

EVERYONE agrees there is teshuva.


You can always rely on what that guy posts.
The Blind Beggar is a character in Rebbe Nachman's story of the Seven Beggars.
If I view a woman as an object, I am powerless over lust, but I don't have to look.
I can guard my eyes.
I want to guard my eyes.
I do guard my eyes.
Why do I say these four lines?

Re: im realy scared aged 14 15 Oct 2012 06:23 #146142

Yeah, chill man, it's gonna be good. Go buy yourself a doughnut.

Re: im realy scared aged 14 15 Oct 2012 11:19 #146156

if you remember that its hashem who gave us the desire in the first place it might help to put things in perspective and work slowly on yourself.the main thing is to never look back especially as a teenager.look forwards an always keep positine.live the present not the past.

in general the best way to turn away from the negative is adding in mitzvos and torah-positive stuff.
helping others is specifically useful to turn your attention from these issues.
additionally play over in your mind and dwell on good things youve done.
sometimes dwelling on doing teshuva can be giving too much imp. to the negative especially due to guilt which causes you to do it more.focus on the future to prevent it and keep cool.

all the best hatzlocho rabah

Re: im realy scared aged 14 15 Oct 2012 15:31 #146174

  • dov728
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I i true that most rabbis wasted seed when they were young

Re: im realy scared aged 14 15 Oct 2012 18:06 #146186

  • AlexEliezer
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oyvey wrote on 14 Oct 2012 15:52:

i couldnt controll myself and i did im not addicted or anything serius

The "aveira" issue has been addressed.

I'm more concerned about your not falling deeper into the dark side.

Generally when I would be m'z, there was always a fantasy attached to it, or a picture or mental image. You mentioned that you are attracted to males. While you're working on getting away from m'z altogether, can you at least draw the line at not fantasizing about males? Otherwise you will be feeding this side of you. And when you feed something it grows big and strong. Staring at them in an arousing way would also have the same effect.

Great! Now while you're at it, don't look at women, and don't fantasize about them either. All this does is turn them into sex objects.

Now onto the asey tov--
1. Exercise or play a sport regularly (on a schedule)
2. Spend time with friends
3. Spend time with family
4. Study and do well in school
5. Stay the heck off the internet (couldn't resist)
6. keep a regular bedtime.
7. Take up a hobby



Re: im realy scared aged 14 18 Oct 2012 19:33 #146346

  • jewish jew
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Alex I like your last post with the seven points

Thanx JJ
The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it’s connection
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