The roller coaster, again what it means to me is..
An up and down of emotion. I was good today, I was BAD today, I was UP now, I was DOWN then. We arent grounded. we dont have a solid head...
Monday-clean Tuesday- fall Wed.- Clean Thur.-Fall
You know how the emotions are during such a week? It goes something like this "YAY! Im clean today"(happy) "oh NOO how could I be so stupid?? Im an idiot" (depressed) "ok, todays a new day, just gonna pick myself back up again! Hashem Loves me!"(optimistic) "ARGHH! I fell again!! what the heck is wrong with me!? Im a no good failure Ill never be succesfull at being clean" (depressed)
That, my friend, is the roller coaster...
(unless by roller coaster you meant "coasters" (the thingy they put under the beers) on wheels. In which case, the term means something TOTALLY different.. and I, my friend, am guilty of wasting your time)
P.S. "Im sick and tired of being sick and tired" it was in one of the recent chizuk emails. THATS when you let go of lust. your sick of the emotional wreck and you just give up