RSO101 wrote on 12 Jun 2012 03:39:
...Can anyone help?
Yes, SOMEONE can help: מחיה מתים אתה - רב להושיע
He can being the dead back to life - He's big when it comes to helping.
Anyhow, welcome to the club, where you will learns the secrets of success. Please stick around, read the handbook, read the forums, and you will see that there are many out there who have been suffering for decades longer than you (including myself), and have B"H managed to find the approach necessary for their individual situations.
As the handbook suggests, there are many different levels in this parsha, and therefore there are many different approaches that people might need. I would like to share with you, my dear chaver, an insight that occured to me this morning, where Chazal seem to be teaching us this very same GYE concept.
The Gemara in Brachos (5a) says: If one cannot overcome his desires, he should learn Torah. If that doesn't help, he should read Shema. If that doesn't help, he should think of the day that he will eventually die.
We can perhaps explain as follows: For low level desires it may be enough to just ignore (hesach hadaas) and think of Torah (as the Rambam suggests in Hichos Issurei Bi'ah). For stronger desires that do not respond to such treatment, he should read Shema, which is kabolas ol malchus shamayim, i.e. he should try strengthening his yiras shomayim through mussar etc. For addictive levels that are not controllable through Torah and mussar, he needs to realize that just as when he will die he will not be in control anymore and he will surrender his entire being to Hashem, so too he must learn to surrender to Hashem and let Him control his desires and his lust.
May Hashem lead you in the right path,