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struggling single and R Zadok
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TOPIC: struggling single and R Zadok 1152 Views

struggling single and R Zadok 15 Nov 2011 22:16 #125584

  • tryingtolive
I am new here, and I have an inner conflict of my own feelings towards masturbation and what seems to be the Torah approach, which is very negative, I have had this conflict for years, but I was getting more and more depressed about this and this week, "what does Hashem want from me?
Last Edit: 20 Nov 2011 12:03 by .

Re: struggling single and R Zadok 15 Nov 2011 22:50 #125592

  • blackbigday
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Contraversial article or not- EVERYBODY agrees Torah is not all or nothing.  I think everybody would also agree that we should never give up, and that depression is worse than any one avairah, as it leads to all aveirahs.

Are you in the process of dating?
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Re: struggling single and R Zadok 15 Nov 2011 23:07 #125594

  • kedusha
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Dear Trying,

Welcome!  There is a lot of Chizuk to be gotten from GYE.  You're not alone here: you've got the forum, the daily Chizuk e-mails, the Handbooks, the phone conferences, and so much more.  And, as "black bigday" said, it's not all or nothing - try to be successful today, don't worry about tomorrow.

Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
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Re: struggling single and R Zadok 16 Nov 2011 00:42 #125599

  • obormottel
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Hello, friend!
Welcome and good luck!
When we say it's not all or nothing, we mean that you can keep Shabbos while not eating kosher, or put on tfilin while desecrating Shabbos. That's true.
But I don't think that someone who keeps every other Shabbos, can claim to be Shomer Shabbos.
So while trying to beat a habit of masturbation may be a long process, with inevitable ups and downs, (and you should certainly try to keep all the other mitzvois while you're working on this issue), I hope you realize that to set out on a path of "keep all the other mitzos while one masturbates" is a slippery slope and a dangerous proposition.
If you think you might die without regular masturbation, I can relate to that very well. I thought the same thing for 20+ years.
The big secret is that it is simply not true. It's not true for me, and I would bet it's not true for you.
Good luck in your struggle.
I guess my point is: Don't beat yourself up and don't feel depressed if sometime in the future you will succumb to self-pleasuring. However, I believe that you would do great damage to your sole and your life if you do not put your foot down and concede that masturbating is wrong on many levels, and most certainly on a religious one. 
Baby steps.
If the road is pulling you down, it's a sign that you are going uphill, so just press harder on the gas!

Have a great day - unless, of course, you made other plans.
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Re: struggling single and R Zadok 16 Nov 2011 01:02 #125601

  • almar
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Welcome to the club,

I enjoyed your post and could really familiarize to the dilemma as I'm single (24) and until 2 weeks ago, I didn't see an end to my P & M addiction for more than 4 years.

My major reason for searching for help was that those few minutes of lust-pleasure-excitement, etc weren't worth all the depressing, problems in my life it indirectly caused and as you can see from the other posts as well, how much suffering masturbation causes.

So if you're not experiencing any problems and suffering in life indirectly connected to your masturbation issue than you've a point maybe Hashem could accept the way you behave at this difficult stage in life.

But you obviously do struggle with this idea, so try the tips and ideas here on the website as a gesture to Hashem and if after that you still can handle it, than at least you have an "excuse" why you're still addicted to masturbation.

After all the biological needs and urges can be controlled for a great part after joining the 90 day program on the chart.

It works for me and all the others and could for sure work for you!

Give it a try and you might surprise yourself and the chevra here
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Re: struggling single and R Zadok 16 Nov 2011 01:14 #125602

  • ur-a-jew
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I would recommend the following shuir from Rabbi Reisman is a must listen to: www.guardureyes.com/GUE/Music/mus/ShiurYesodos.mp3
Help free Sholom Rubashkin by giving him the zechus of Shemiras Eiynayim.  www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=2809.0
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Re: struggling single and R Zadok 16 Nov 2011 17:58 #125674

  • Hashem Yaasfeni
I would really like to see a single page or sub menu that contains all the audio shiurim, archives, etc  in one easy to find place on GYE. 

perhaps admin can organize things on the site in addition to the music page which i enjoy as well.

Am close to the 30 days, Yippe Free at last, Free at last, !!! (MLK jr.)

Boruch Hashem Yom Yom,
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Re: struggling single and R Zadok 16 Nov 2011 19:26 #125703

  • gibbor120
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I think the new and improved GYE may have exactly what you are looking for.
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Re: struggling single and R Zadok 16 Nov 2011 19:31 #125705

  • ZemirosShabbos
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in the meantime there is a thread with links to great shiurim:
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: struggling single and R Zadok 16 Nov 2011 19:37 #125707

  • kedusha
  • Current streak: 717 days
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Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
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Re: struggling single and R Zadok 16 Nov 2011 22:01 #125746

  • Hashem Yaasfeni
Hey Brothers love you all, youre the best.

Gibbor, Zemiros and kedusha, all top things to aim for !!

Yasher Koach !!

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