Hello. I’m new guy. I’m really amazed at the support and positivity I’ve seen here so far. It’s really a place of healing.
I’d like to give you my history as brief as possible, and I’m hoping that I can get a diagnosis from you guys. I’m early 30’s with some kids. I grew up raised by a balas teshuva mother, in a home with tv. My dad left early gradeschool. Both my parents have bipolar disorder. Dad had little to do with me while I went to a yeshivish cheder…
Needless to say I didn’t fit in well with jeans and t-shirt in a sea of white an black.
I did very well in yeshivah highschool… My first contact with M, was when I found a p mag high up on a shelf when Pesach cleaning, I was about 12. Since then I had problems, in high school too. But nothing I would think out of “normal” psychological range.
After I flipped out (I'm bipolar too- surprise), I ended up staying at my dad’s, who wasn’t frum. Over the course of those five years (age 16-21) I did a lot of women chasing… towards the end I got a hold of real p movies on video, and a bit of pics on the net (net like it is now!). But I also went to massage places, at least once a month, depending on whether I could get with a real girl… I even paid for sex a number of times.. thank God I don’t have any diseases. (Dor Yeshorim would tell me.)
I had a relationship with a girl I met at a massage parlor, and when my mom found out (she didn’t know she was a massage girl, but she was older than me, and quite the shiksa) she pressed the rabbis where I was to get me out of there and to yeshivah (I’m obviously oversimplifying the story… I’m focusing on the lust history here, not my “Baal teshuva” story)… When I was in yeshiva, I didn’t M for 4 years until I was married.. (barring once when I was engaged). In the 8 years I’ve been married I M’d abot 4 times. One at the beginning when I was feeling very depressed, A couple when I had a big crisis, and one recently…
After my recent depressive episode my wife wasn’t (it has changed a bit) willing to have relations. (She has her own psychological issue with sex. She's told me and different therapists that even if I was a totally normal healthy guy, she'd still have issues.) I was very hurt and angry, especially since I’ve made so much progress in all areas, I got work in the morning and afternoon, I don’t sleep life away etc… So this is my reward. I started looking at other women on the street all the time. This was not where I was before that in shmiras eynayim... I was usually very careful. As a bachur I always took off my glasses in the city. (I'm blind without them.)
For a while I had to work in the city, and there was a lot to see. Finally, my wife had the internet moved out of the house (we have a filter, it hadn’t been a problem). I told her to hook up k-9, and I have old history with her not listening when I ask her to do something on the compy… Well, sure enough she didn’t listen. I was mad. So when it was my work time, I took a look at real P, not just some cheesy youtube thing. I felt pretty crappy about myself.
The next day I put the dang k-9 on myself, and made her change the password in front of me… Now I found out that won’t help because it’s probably my address where the forgot password goes to- can’t remember. So that was well b-4 yom kippur, and I haven’t done that since then, and it’s been better with the wife, but I still have the urge just to look at women. I had my wife up the home filter, so there shouldn’t be anything seriously “skinny” but, there's those pics on facebook of who other people are following, you know? blah blah… The question is, with this type of history does it sound like I have an actual lust addiction, or is it still within the realm of yetzer harah that can be controlled without 12 steps. I came across you guys through yeshivah world news, and I’m definitely going to read the handbooks, but I didn’t see clear evaluation… I scored a 4 on the SA test…
Any body have any thoughts here for me?