yetzer wrote on 13 Jul 2011 16:45:
Great Idea Alex. Now if you can make all the arrangements every week ((which is almost impossible to find) have baby sitters to look after our 8 kids including 3 year old , 1 year old etc... , get the kids in bed, etc.. I am game ( My wife does not feel the need for these date nights by the way even if "I want her to do it for Me" ).
hi yetzer,
excuse my jumping in in the middle, just wanted to add a few words.
if you have 8 kids then the need for you to spend some 'exclusive' time with the wife is even more pronounced. may not be easy to schedule and implement but it is vital. to echo Alex's very wise words, if the relationship between spouses becomes one of shopping, changing diapers, paying bills, physical relations and going to PTA then when the kids are iy'h married and out of the house the spouses are like strangers who happen to share a room. (not saying you are like that, just illustrating a point).
devoting time to the kids is very important. but of no less importance is devoting time to the spouse. once a week is very reasonable. it is well worth it. i suspect that if you manage to get the wife to go along with the idea initially she will become it's strongest advocate with time.
if scheduling and babysitter's are a problem you can make a time later at night when it's quiet. not in the bedroom, rather at the kitchen table or on the couch. the focus should be on talking, not on physical relations. (pssst, here is a secret side-benefit of having a real emotional relationship with a spouse: the physical relations will be on a whole new level of fullfilment). also, having 8 kids can be a boon, as your oldest becomes old enough to do some light babysitting.
wishing you the best,