Ok, so a bissele more recovery in action...
My immediate manager is a very hard working older woman in her late 50's. She likes my personality; we work well together (no sa related stuff, BH)..
BUT(!)... She's an aggressive frum workaholic! Just like 'one of the guys'. She pounds on the table ALL DAY, upset about 'this and that' and 'getting things done! Etc... VERY loudly!
Yesterday I 'gave in' to her 'anger', in order to help her resolve something: or so I thought! In 5 seconds, her & I were in a screaming match about 'the issue'.
What? Do I wake up in order to be screaming at people? No way baby. My system don't get along w/anger at all.
So I sent her this email before work today..(And purposely came in late)...
Do you realize how many, many fathers I know who have lost their families and all brochos by 'working like a horse who pounds on the desk all day'? It may indeed work for you, but if I'm gonna start pounding, huffing, biting and grinding my teeth, and feeling hate towards someone while I fake smile and talk to them, it's only gonna be over helping more yiddeshe neshomas, not over gelt.
If you need me to 'huff and puff' also, then maybe it's better to have someone else work with you: someone more 'normal' who realizes the value of 'stress' and aggravation as part of a happy daily jewish experience.
See u soon "
When I got to work, she called me to a quiet area of the office, apologized, and said "I'm very stressed out, I know. I like working with u. Keep a pushka on ur desk. Every time I bang from anger I'm gonna put a dollar in. I'll learn. I'm sorry"... The rest of the day BH was a normal day with normal headaches.. No aggressive anger...