jda211 wrote:
i heard an amazing thought a couple of weeks ago during Sanhedrin about bilaam. bilaam twice refers to himself as shtum ha'ayin, which could either mean closed eye, that he has a defect with his eye, or some say open eye, referring to his nevuah and his power of sight. the baal shem tov says maybe its both. Hashem wanted to give him nevuah, as we know so the goyim couldnt complain they didnt have a Moshe Rabenu to guide them. but bilaam was such a menuval! all of his body was tumah-dik! how could Hashem talk to him? so Hashem forcefully shut one of bilaam's eyes closed. that way he had one eyver which was tahor. and obviously Hashem chose the eye, because this is the source of all kedushah. and if bilaam was zoche for nevuah based on only one of his eyes being shut, and on top of that it was against his will, imagine the zechus someone gets for closing both his eyes!!!!
Hashem should help all of us to close our eyes when needed!!
hmmmm....food for thought