"Baruch ata.........shekacha lo b'olamo"
There is a mitzvah to say a bracha on a beautiful person!!!!
And it isnt talking about spiritual beauty!
Beauty is a chelek of Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Perhaps, like the blue string on the tzitzis it is meant to get us thinking about the source of all the beauty in our lives, the Creator of all that is good.
To me, this is not a vague, fluffy idea. I have often found myself staring at men, women and children whom I consider beautiful. There is not a drop of taava involved. I gaze at flowers and trees with the same sense of awe; noticing the various shades of green within a single leaf, and the details on a butterflies wings.
Kal v'chomer people. If a simple, inanimate object like a leaf contains such a clear sign of Hashem's chesed, how can a complex tzelem Elokim not be a source of inspiration?
The blue of the tzitzis brings us to think of the sea, which leads us to thoughts of the heavens, which directs us to the Kisei hakavod and Hashem.
But it is up to us to see the connection, and to carry it all the way through:
We can simply see blue string attached to a piece of material, or
We can have thoughts of the ocean, or
We can let it lead us to shamayim.
We can see a beautiful person as no more than triggers, or
We can see them as tzelom Elokim.
We say a bracha because beauty is a chelek of kedusha.
If we view it with Bardichev glasses!