The last three section have been added. That concludes all the sections. Tomorrow I hope to post the Topics that will be discussed. Please feel to ask as many questions and to offer possibilities both from your own or ideas that you heard or seen. Chaim, thank you very much for you beaustiful insights. Please stick with us here. I was actually expecting that answer from you. But you elaborated on this yesod far greater than I would be able to. Thank you very much. This is such an important yesod.
I will post the three new sections here so that you do not need to flip back that pages:
_______________________________________________________________________________ Section #13 – The More You Feed The More You Need Rabbi Yochanan: Man has a small organ (the reproductive organ). If he feeds it, it will become hungry. If he starves it, it will become satiated.
Rashi: If man indulges in marital relations (albeit permissible, but there are limits) he will be weak at an old age. If he starves his desires for marital relations, he will have strength at an old age.
Maharsha/Tosfos: The more man indulges in marital relations, the hungrier he will be for it. And the more he starves his desires, the more satiated he will be.
Yaakov’s Comment:
- Is the Gemara suggesting that we completely refrain from marital relations?
_______________________________________________________________________________ Section #14 – Hashem Regrets Creating the Yetzer Hara Rav Chana Bar Acha: The more creations that Hashem ‘regrets’ creating. One of them is the yetzer hara
Pasuk(Micha 4, 6):אשר הרעתי
Rashi: The Gemara is interpreting the above pasuk as saying that Hashem takes the blame for the Yidden’s sin because he ‘caused’ the wickedness by creating the yetzer hara.
Yaakov’s Comment:
- What does it mean that Hashem ‘regrets’?
- If he regrets it, why did he create it?
_______________________________________________________________________________ Section #15 – It is Not Completely our Fault [u]Rabbi Yochanan[/u]: There are three pasukim that illustrate that the Yidden’s wrongdoings are partially to be ‘blamed’ on Hashem. These pasukim are therefore testifying that it is not completely our fault. Without the testimony of these pasukim, the Yidden would never be able to exist, as the blame would be too much.
- Micha 4, 6:אשר הרעתי
- Yirmiyahu 18, :הנה כחומר ביד היוצר כן אתם
- Yechezkel 36: והסירותי את לב האבן מבשרכם ונתתי לכם לב בשר
Rav Papa: There is a fourth pasuk that portrays the same idea
- Yechezkel 36: ואת רוחי אתן בקרבכם
Yaakov’s Comment:
- Does this negate free choice?