Boruch Hashem you are not satisfied with trying to "recover" while hiding behind a username and virtual relationships. I see that you accept that you do not have a virtual problem, but a real one. Ashrecha! So...
Yes, there are dozens of chassidisheh and yeshivishe yidden, young and old, who I know would be glad to speak with you in detail and in Yiddish about their own real, progressive recovery using these 12 steps.
In fact, I have the pleasure of meeting once or twice a year with about 100+ other frummies from Monsey, Lakewood, Williamsburg, BP, and Flatbush (and wherever else mamehloshon is used) at a discreet hotel on the east coast for a Shabbos of SA meetings and recovery, besides nice davening, speakers, and meals. The only people there are fellow recovering perverts, like me, and at least 25% of them grew up speaking Yiddish.
Just PM me abiut it and be"H I'll find you a guy or two to shprach, schmooze, or reiden with.