me3, sweetheart,
the 12 steps is torah, in the simplest form of ein hamedrash haikar elah hamaaseh. that is why it works for over 2milllion of the lowest scum in the world. it is also incorporated all day in your life.
sefarim and nice vorts lose that limaaseh thing that makes our program work, whatever it may be.
i went to a chinuch conference here recently. 3 speekers, one was our very own r feldman.
one speaker answered to every thing torah torah torah is greste schoirah
im sure it helped thousands in chinuch with that
the next guy gives a complicated vort about a medrash and kadshim, and ties it into chinuch, using obscure yeshivish words that were not precise enough to help anybody
r feldman gets up, no vorts, just spews advice for an hour, based on experience, about chinuch-he was the only helpful speaker
thats what the 12 steps are like to me
the 12 steps will make me a normal human
to be a jew i need to learn the medrash of the torah also, so that i can humanly observe it
btw i have juicy material materiel on the reb o topic. additionally, during that debate, s/o sent me reb o's mekor. i was on bus back from tel aviv and i wrote a massive expose tearing it apart, will post it at right time
me3, what was pt of this thread? whats your goal?
also, i am taking 12 steps because they work for everybody, even black rapist drunkards
torah doesnt help ppl like me most of the time so why bother ONLY using that/ just do 12 steps, which is therapy, AND be a jew supplementing therapy from torah
not good for my blood pressure, have a good day, and good to see you again