I see that my writing skills need some work.
Azivas Hachet is not Teshuva. The same chiuv that requires a person not to do the aveira the first time is mechayev him not to do it every time (no matter how many times they have fallen in the past). After a person has successfully stopped doing the avaira, then there is another mitzva of teshuva to be mesaken the chait. (See Meshech Chochoma on Parshas Ha'azinu for a nice pshat in the Rambam based on this.)
As pointed out many times on this forum, until one has stopped doing the avaira they cannot start the process of teshuva (Shaari Teshuva 1-11).
99% of these forums (correctly) deal only with stopping the bad behaviour and certainly until that is done, teshuva should not be discussed.
My question is though, for those who have successfully stopped and are ready to discuss teshuva, the process of teshuva seems to have some challenges to the attitudes/mindsets that were so successful in stopping in the first place...
Good Shabbos,