Dear friends,
i have been away from the forum for a long time
now, i'm back.
my sponsor said for homework i must read big book up to page 164,
and reach out to three people who are addicts this week
i have had too much to say. I still have been holding it off to finish this book. It is a book that contains much of the wosdom i have learned from all of you on the forum, plus a few Gra's and stuff on the side.
So anyhow, to reach out i am back on the forum BECAUSE it is part of my recovery.
i saw today what Dov wrote in the email.
parcha nishmasam.
it was the singlehandedly most unbelievable thing i'd ever seen since coming here. I would like to share why.
A letter I wrote to a close friend, changed for his security:
......."A thought occured to me after i was online, i must share.......
I agree and disagree, believing that there are two panim two this....
One, to the non-**, regular guy, i agree.
Two, to the people who are part of the most priveledged segment of the human race, i disagree.
To explain,
(ONE)if Dov on SA would write "Dov, in SA and sober for 14 years, touched little....., slept with and ******", i agree. This is too much ohr for the keilim of the mikablim. People would be turned off to listen to his Dovish daily doses.
However, this is only while u still relate to people who admit these things as NOT being men of the finest character.
This is unfortunately how many (most?...) people view things.
This is certainly at least related to the fact that they currently minimize their own issues and sweep them under the rug, just telling people they do p&m, p*** just of women standing next to monster trucks ...... Mexican flags. No men, animals, all different... in dresses. This is what..... did, as well as a friend that ********* and another that gets a hit from gazing ******......., and others that i spoke to recently.
(TWO)However, from the view of a person who has recently heard priests, chareidim, chasidim, admit that they crossdressed and went out with zonahs, and with my admission that i did ***** to*****, as well as brush up ******** ***** ,and ***********, and *******, and more, it was a sense of pride.
You must understand,
it all boils down to where we are coming from.
For the gye who is pretending he never had issues in the mikva or pool, it is THREATENING.
For the person sitting in an SA meeting, which is the most advanced and sharpest tool known to man for these issues, who has FULLY taken the 1st of 12 steps, it is a thing of the past to dress in ****** clothing, so it is a source of pride. SINCE relative to then with those sick experiences, i am now sober or at least working the program. The bigger the yeridah, the greater the ohr from the aliyah.
"My name is Avi, and i'm a sexaholic. I acted out with *******, and put *************** ____ and am not embarrassed to share, because all you in the room here are on the same level as me, past the 1st step. And we all unanimously agree that it WAS what happened, but now that we are in SA it will never happen again.
This is of the deepest points i can possibly share to another human being. Please consider, take strength, and grow.
The words i omitted were:crossdressing, incest, pedophilia, adultery, fetishism, exhibitionism, and more
i understand if it is editted out here too
however, one time i write them here, to get across one point. Are we here to minimize the real problems we have or had done at least once in your life, pretending all we do is p&m?
my point: if you have taken all steps to grow in this struggle, then these things are a source of pride, because FROM that dirty place in your life, you are now willing to face the music and change
however, if you are afraid to face this music then it is threatening to ever discuss these things, out of fear that someone will "find out" what YOU really are and really did, then you will never fully grow
if 1300 ppl "just" do p&m then it is not painful to admit it. So its halfway, but what about the other half?
i am a dispicable person. i get no credit for anything. But for some zany reason, God has bestowed on me one of the 13 middos, in gemara brachos, to give chessed to those unworthy for reasons unknown to us. Vichanosi ess asher achon, vireechamtey ess asher aracheim. so i grew this week because God gave me a kick in the pants with these ideas. They were painful before the transition. Now they are very sweet.
a dispicable, worthless, addict, dependent on coffee and gin to survive all my serious issues,