Okay, I know that this might drive everyone away from this thread, but it's time to talk Tachlis before the Guard moves it from "Break Free" into "Just Having Fun". So here we go:
DAY 6 Here are two things which I have learned over the past 24 hours:
THING ONE After reading so many posts on GYE I thought I knew what a 'trigger' is. Right? A trigger is the way the YH lures me into the pattern of self-destructive behavior. I'm not sure if that's the right definition, but even if it is, that just means that until now I was learning with Rashi or maybe Tosafos. An experience yesterday showed me how to understand the concept of 'trigger' with R' Chaim (or maybe even R' Baruch Ber); Or for you halacha buffs let's just say I went from Taz and Shach to Pri Megadim and if your Litvish let's just say that I moved from Mishnah Berurah to Beiur Halachah; And if you're into P'nimiyus HaTorah -Kabballah or Chassidus -I had a Yedi'ah Sichlis and I was zocheh to transform it into Hasagah....
OKAY ENOUGH BABBLING A trigger is a situation, word, ANYTHING which a normal person takes at face values and keeps in proportion. An addict -due to his warped neuron patterns -takes it totally differently and way out of proportion and is led by his addictive pattern K'yad HaDimyon HaTovah Alav. I know what you're all saying. This idiot kept us in suspense to tell us something that we all already know?
No, I'm not. I'm just sharing my 90 day-Life (this depends, my sentence can be renewed for good behavior) Journey with you gitte breeders at GYE. What I'm trying to tell you all is that before starting this interesting journey -with it's wonderful scenery - in 34 years I NEVER NOTICED what exactly doing everyday normal things and experiencing everyday normal sensations DID to me! Being here and paying attention to my cleanliness -or perhaps due to my newfound cleanliness -has made me AWARE. I said to myself, "What on Earth makes you get from point A (a mundane sensation) to point B (i.e.
http//www.****.co.hell/pics/stories). And suddenly I knew....I had %@(#* up my mind big-time in the past, and I no longer am there BH.
When I felt something was trying to pull me towards 'memory lane', I turned to Hashem and said, "Your turn, I'm not capable of handling this mishegass", and he did -but as people say, "G-d helps those who help themselves" -so what did I do? I started putting these things (feelings, sights) in their proper context! For instance, I told myself, "You only feeling/ doing/ seeing thing Y (or Z or A, it's really not that important). This 'trigger' effect won't last as a knee-jerk reaction forever, just keep on truckin' one mile at a time".
I think that I'm starting to understand this addiction business after all.
THING TWO I have realized that my frustrating battle with Shmiras HaEynayim is not a fight with the YH over whether or not I will look at the woman. I have learnt that certain styles of women are simply a 'trigger'.... IT'S NOT THE LOOK, IT'S NOT THE SECOND LOOK, IT'S ALL IN MY S****** UP HEAD!
That's right...I NEVER looked, even seeing would plunge me into a feeling which I couldn't explain to myself. It was a cross between rage and helplessness, longing and disgust. After all, I wasn't imagining the actual act with these women. And even if I didn't dwell on the sight I would have such inexplicably strong feelings. At some points in my life when things were going good for me, I actually thought, "WOW! This must be what Pinchas felt! I am soooo holy that seeing those women who don't give a hoot what the Rabbanim have to say about Tznius burns me up and makes me really MAD L'sheim Shamayim (good thing I didn't have a spear back then)!".
Even if a little voice inside of me (probably the Yetzer Tov, maybe the remnants of my sanity, possibly the Guard sending subliminal messages through Kol-HaLashon; or a combination of the three) said, "If you're so holy, how do you fall when given the slightest opportunity to surf the net into the rawest sewage of depravity?".
I had a standard self-righteous answer ready in a jiffy, "No, you see -it's
THEIR fault that I fall that way...You know what R' Yisrael Salanter said about when a Bachur in Slabodka is mevatel Torah for five minutes a Maskil in Paris lights a cigarette on Shabbos. Same thing...an inch in the skirt, a millimeter of thickness in the stockings, a sheitel that no Orthodox Rabbi ever would (should) give a hechsher on, a careless laugh which came out a little too loud -and there you have it, Instant Innocent Avrech turns to P*** out of frustration (How Nifty! Just add WIFI and he's ready in five minutes and busy for fifteen hours...!)".
Now, either my YT isn't that sophisticated, or -more probably - HE REALIZED THAT THERE WAS NOONE LEFT TO TALK TO IN MY HEAD and left this topic alone!
If I were him, knowing what I do today (and didn't a couple of days ago), I would have told me, in a quiet but firm tone,
"Did you hear what you said? You said that in this area you're the Maskil, and she's the Slabodka bachur!!! She is 90% tzniusdik and YOU are one sick young man!". But today I know that there is a cure. And it goes something like this:
I admit that I am powerless over the addiction - that my life (my lies) had become
I came to believe that a Power greater than myself (my-selfishness) could restore me to
sanity. And I started posting here on GYE.
I hate myself. I love you guys.