Did you see
this holy Jew's post? He's not married and he's clean for a year already!
If you can start going out, it's always a good thing. Chaza"l say we need to be thankful for our wives that they save us from sin. But if the time is not right, and / or if you are not ready, then it means Hashem is expecting a little more Messiras Nefesh from you. Who knows if in this zechus, Hashem is waiting to give you the most special girl?
Yitzchak got married at 40 years old, and Yaakov also got married late, and yet he says that Reuven was "Kochi ve'reishis Oini" - meaning my first power - explain the mefarshim that he never had keri before that time. Now we are not on that Madrega, so "do your best and accept the rest".
“Adam L.” posted:
I have a great deal of hakaras hatov for this site and daily email. i'm a single 23 year old baal teshuva. i'm at a point where i have not been deliberately pogem habris through my own hand since before Elul, that's over two months. that's a big deal for me. yasher koach to you…
Another Bachur posted:
I am a bachur and I was hooked on pornography for a few weeks about two years ago, then I hit rock bottom and sincerely regretted it. A few months later I fell again, and was hooked for a few days, then was sorry, and now it's been a long time that I'm guarding my eyes and am careful even in the streets were I look.
SurferYisroel posted:
Hi ,
I am new here so please be understanding as I am not sure how this works. At 19 I stopped being motzi zer'a li'vatola (masturbating). At year 6 of purity from this sin I got married and I am still clean 2 years later and B'"H happily married. I have been in control and free of this sin!! it is very possible…