You surely heard the chasidishe maaseh of the boy who was learning to read. His Rebbi taught him that when he sees a word which consists two yuds together (in chasidish pronunciation: tzvei yidden) it is Hashem's Name.
A short while later, the kid reached the end of the possuk & sees the : (sof possuk), he reads it, "Hashem".
"No." That Rebbi says. "That is not Hashem's Name. It is the end of the possuk. like a period (.)."
The child is confused. "What's the difference?" he asks. "They are both tzvei yidden?"
The Rebbe explains: When tzvei Yidden are standing next to each other, that is Shem Hashem!!! But if one Yid crawls on top of another Yid, then it is a Sof Possuk, a Full Stop.....