here is my
tzvei un a halb cents why i used to be active and "unfortunately" am hardly able to post or participate anymore.......(though i try and read all of the holy chizuk emails
used to be on the forum much more during those dark days when I needed it most, and I'm absolutely convinced, that the mere fact that I"m a member here of this holy group, is itself a most powerful
"segula" in maintaining holiness and purity!!!!
My house thank G-d is internet free and I cut off the internet access on my Blackberry, which leaves me access to the internet only in my office which is not conducive to posting.
Additionally had some major upheavals in my company and my workload doubled or tripled
the main thing is........ post or no post ....... my heart and neshama and my prayers is here with each and everyone of u holy warriors ......
Chazak CHazak Chazak With fiery love to all
Noorah the smallest of the house of Amram