Woah everyone, let's calm down. There are some valid points being brought up here by both sides. Do we need to edit/add/change the following
GYE Forum Rules?
7.) No one may post anything that may insult, embarrass or offend another member of the forum. If this happens by mistake, the offender should be quick to apologize.
8.) Posts should not contain details (about personal struggles or otherwise) that others may find triggering, or contain links to websites that some may find triggering. If a member wants to submit a detailed post that may need to be edited, he should send it to the administrator or to the moderators as a private message. Tzvi is right. We have to use seichel when posting our struggles and fantasies. This forum is NOT like an SA group, since it caters to all different levels of addiction - or
pre-addiction. (See Reply #2 on
this page, where I brought a piece from Dov explaining why this forum needs to be treated different than an SA group). MosheF has a good point too though, that expressing our fantasies in detail can help. But for that, I suggest getting a partner or joining Dov's virtual SA group on the forum (or a live group, for that matter). Posting it here for everyone to see, may be detrimental.
And lastly, we have to be very careful not to hurt anyone's feelings on this forum. The members here are bloodied and hurting enough from this struggle... Respect and achdus is what GYE is all about. (I know that Me3 is just humoring Tzvi and he doesn't mean anything personal. But I know this only because I know me3 so well, however, others like Tzvi do not and could be a bit hurt. So let's try and be friends everyone, ok? ;D)