Me3 wrote on 22 Sep 2010 03:54:
How is it that I always miss all the good posts?
Next time can somebody point out all these graphic posts to me please!
But seriously the moderators are there to remove posts that are deemed to explicit. And they do so quite well.
But if you are trying to find things to fantasize about I imagine you can. You can hear much more exciting stuff if you attend an sa meeting.
Dear Me3,
I come on this site to try to break free from my y"h. I believe that's why others do as well.
not to look for something to fantasize about! The fact of the matter is that the way some people write (some of the time) is simply triggering.
That doesn't mean these things will be a trigger for everyone. You do have to acknowledge that they will however be a trigger for a lot of people. You can't just ignore this problem.
Once again, i believe this site is a lifesaver.
It has the tools and the power to help make the difference.
We must use seichel.
Also, I am aware that there are devoted moderators out there to help with this problem.
This is however similar to saying that there are rescue workers available to clean up after a couple of planes hit the world trade center.
It's great that they're there.
We certainly need them.
Would it not be better if the planes didn't hit the WTC in the first place.
My intention is to creat an awareness amongs the members of this very worthy site to be careful in how they express their nisyonos.