Beauty of Yefes in the Tent of Shem
Dear brothers and sisters,
One of the greatest tactics of the yetzer horah is to convince us that in order to be a frum and good Jew we have to give up the pleasures of this world in a very radical way. Now, it is true that many our great tzaddikim have chosen this unique path, and there are times that Hashem chooses it for them. And we need such tzaddikim in the world.
But many tzaddikim have not chosen this path.
And in truth, almost all of us cannot do this.
Nor are we supposed to.
As we give us those unhealthy pleasures, Hashem is giving us a path towards enjoying even this world, in a way that will not only not will not conflict spiritually, but will enhance it, where the physical and the spiritual will go hand in hand.
Now if you are going to say that Yaakov wanted to be “sit” with tranquility and Hashem wouldn’t let him.
So why would He let us do so?
There the key is the ‘sitting”. There is nothing wrong with yearning for tranquility, and we have every right to ask Hashem to grant us this. But He does not like the ‘Layshaiv’-the sitting. You need a vacation, you want to walk near a beautiful lake and enjoy it, that is perfectly Ok. But always bear in mind the constructive purpose behind it. To appreciate Hashem’s world. To recharge your batteries. he same is true with all types of pleasures of this world. You can ask for them. As long as it is not an end in and of itself. For those single ones who yearn for intimacy, or for the married ones who yearn for it to be better;. Nothing wrong with that at all. You can ask Hashem for this. And He wants to give it to you too. All you need to do is to go beyond it. As a vehicle and expression to be close to the one Hashem will give you or has given you -and to thank Hashem for it too.
Yes, every person will experience suffering of various kinds. But most of us have many blessings too .I break my ankle. I cannot ask Hashem to unbreak it (He could do that too, but that is not the way He wanted the world to operate).But what I can do is experience the many other blessings that I took for granted until then. or even in time to see the hidden blessing of that break itself. and even more serious stuff usually has myriads of open blessings as well as hidden ones. We cannot judge others who do not handle suffering well. But we can try to improve ourselves, because deep in our hearts we know that despite the suffering, there are millions and trillions of blessings that we do have. would you give up an eye, even just one? or both kidneys and hook ourselves to a dialysis machine? or as bad as these struggles with lust are, it would be a terrible thing if the normal body functioning in those areas would be cut off from you. Now, it may be a burden to you. But it can turn into your greatest blessing. It is to be used.The way Hashem wants it to be used. He gave it to you as a gift. Don’t abuse it. Cherish it. By not giving in to the temptation you are not losing anything, you are not killing this drive. You are saving it, because Hashem does not want to take it away from you. He just wants you to learn how to use it. It is something you can look forward too. like you look forward to a delicious meal, yes the food is great, but you have your eye on that Great Birchas Hamazon that will shake the Heavens, and especially if you are eating in the aura of Shabbos. You have Shabbos to look forward to. Everyday could become a small Shabbos. And Shabbos becomes a Big one.
Knowing that you have this to look forward too makes the current struggle much easier and much more bearable.
Because you are not giving up what you are yearning for.
You may feel crummy for a while
But know that you have not given up a thing.
It’s a safe investment.
Hashem, you know what I need
Please allow me to have it in a kosher way.
And not just in a kosher way, but in a way that I could become close to You
You like nice cars? Fine. Hashem may want you to have a nice car. Yes, He may actually want you to have one and to enjoy it too. But He tells you please do not to lose focus, That car I am giving you, also give the guy a lift, he needs a ride from a chasuna, do that mitzvah, you have a long commute, enjoy your nice car. But please talk to Me sometimes while you drive, or listen to a Torah Tape, or if you are too tired, then listen to some wonderful niggunim and be happy that you are a Yid.
As I saw something kanesher wrote .That often , for us wounded children, “intimacy with real people(our wives) is not as desirable as intimacy with false people”.
We can ask Hashem to help us with this.
Help us make intimacy more desirable with the real person that Hashem placed before you .or if you are yet single , then with the real person that He will place before you.
But isn’t there something fishy about asking Hashem for this?
He wants you to ask this of Him.
Because you are asking this not as an end game thing, you ask to be healthy ,to heal that wounded child, that you will use this intimacy to promote peace and harmony and chessed in your home, and peace of mind that goes along with this, peace of mind to learn, to daven, to help people ,to help your wife and children in any way and every way that you can, peace of mind that will allow me to let go of all that trash that I soiled myself with for so long. Help me Hashem. That this should cause me to never even consider going in that unhealthy way ever again.
Beauty of Yefes belongs in the Tent of Shem
That is where it belongs.
Outside of the Tent of Shem, the beauty is Ugly
Open beauty without boundaries is deadly, and it is Rat Poison in Candy form.
Inside the Tent of Shem , it is truly Beautiful.
You are not giving up the beauty of Yefes when you coax it into the Tent of Shem
You are saving it. You are cherishing it. It’s protected. The walls of the Tent does not diminish the beauty. It enhances it. When you are outside the tent, it looks like you have drowned out this beauty in that small humble tent.
But when you are inside the Tent, you see this is not true.
You have not given up a thing.
The physical is not neglected.
Body and Soul are in Harmony.
Hashem wants us to have both.
We should talk to Him about this.
He is much more Open Minded than you think.
He listens.