Dear friends,
A few days have passed since I have written this letter.I must tell you,I was not capable of writing such a letter before I wrote it.nor am I capable of it now.You ask me to right now to write such a letter,I couldn't do it.impossible.and after reading what I wrote I had a hard time comprehending that I could have written this.It actually scared me alot.the awesome responsibility for writing this way.
But here is one important correction to the letter.This thing I wrote with 10 different rabonim and ten different directions needs to be corrected because the chazal say"Make yourself a Rav".so every couple must find a qualified mentor to talk to.Davening to Hashem must be coupled the practical effort of finding the right qualified rav or madrich.And when you do find one you must force yourself to open up to him even if you do not want to.Because if you don't tell him what you both are feeling because your embarrassed to say so,he will not be able to help you because he doesn't get the whole picture
This is an important correction/omission/modification that must be considered with this letter.
This letter can help many many people but it must be used the right heal,to help to promote peace and understanding between husband and wife.You cannot shove this letter down people's throats,nor can you hit someone over the head with it,nor may you manipulate anyone in any way to read this letter.Nor may you use it in anger or with resentment.If you use it in such ways you are taking a knife and stabbing it in my heart,and it would have been better that this letter wasn't written in the first place.
You are all climbing.You are all trying your best,You have every right to expect to lead a healthy and productive life no matter what your past was or what your present is.As long as you are trying your best in climbing up which is what you are doing.
Don't let the Yetzer Harah say that your life is so screwed up that its over and there is no hope.
because that my friends,I swear(and I never swore in my life before.I've always said bli neder),is a bunch of baloney.