This one needed to written
but shouldn't be in any book
I've always been honest with all of you
so when the not so nice part of yechida comes out
I don't hide it from you,
I'm ashamed of the cynical bitter part that is there,
I don't think I will ever get rid of it completely,
but when it does, I try to use it as a lesson
for myself, and for others.
The husband comes home in a bad mood,
And to add to it, he wants to eat supper and the kitchen is a mess,
Not one clean spot on the table to eat,
The floor is an full of obstacles,
Wrappers, spilled juice,a bone of a chicken,
Wife is harried and at that moment does not look like the wedding pictures,
And at that moment you say to yourself,
I’m not asking for much right now,
Just a clean kitchen,
I know that a “good” wife has a pleasant neat kitchen,
And after some cleaning, after the kids are sleeping,
To come back to the kitchen, and make it “spotless”
Nothing like a “spotless” kitchen,
Like my friend’s wife has,
I am on a high madreigah,
I am not jealous of anything my friend has,
And certainly not his wife.
After all I’m a frum fellow,
Not interested in my friends wife at all,
Not at all, Not at all,
Not at all, Not at all
(even thought she knows every maharal,
And every michtav eliyahu,
And appreciates her “tzelem elokim”
By dressing nicely)
Not at all, Not at all
Not at all, Not at all
Only one little thing I ask for,
To come home to a clean kitchen,
And after some cleaning a “spotless” kitchen,
Because a good wife (like the wife of my friend who I don’t ‘really” look up to),
Has a “spotless” kitchen
A sloppy kitchen is a sign of a sloppy mind,
A good wife works on organizing her heart and her mind,
Which manifests itself in an organized kitchen,
And ultimately a “spotless” kitchen,
It’s a sign of intelligence and elegance,
Of beauty, of regality,
To have a “spotless” kitchen.
My friends,
A spotless kitchen is not a sign of a good wife.
And for anyone who thinks it is,
I ask them to read outloud,
Page 121,paragraph 411,
Of Awake my Glory,
Mr spotless husband who would love to have a good wife (and that good wife is never his own, of course, naturally)that can maintain spotlessly a “spotless” kitchen
Start reading, Mr Spotless, or Rav Spotless, or Harav Hagoan Spotless, Admur Spotless, Rosh Yeshiva Spotless, Spotless Holy Yid who cannot take Spots, who has a Spotless character, gives a Spotless Daf Yomi Shiur, Spotless Yid who has a Spotless kittel to be buried in, who would not be caught dead on a site of Yidin that have some Spots, that reminds him of his “not so good” wife that has Spots that irritate and annoy his Spotless sensibility and refinedness, who wants to take benzene and scrub all those Spots off his Spotful wife to make her more like that Spotless One next door, whom he never thinks about, Not at all, Not at all, Not at all
Mr Spotless read aloud this Spotless paragraph of Awake my Glory by R Avigdor Miller that always dressed neatly, no spots on his suit, yet understood the proper perspective, that without fear of Hashem, Spotlessness is deadly
When the Germans entered Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Russia, we know what they did. They send soldiers to take all children from their mothers. The children never returned. Were they taken to farms, or put into children’s institutions? They were slain immediately. One million Jewish children were killed by the gemutliche Germans and Austrians. The Germans did not wear loin cloth; they were not savages with wild hair or with bones through their noses. The Nazi’s were neatly dressed, shaved daily, and at home many has spotless kitchens. The female camp guards who fashioned lampshades from Jewish skin were typical of the German Hausfrau and were defended on the grounds that they had “spotless kitchens”. That is the German concept of virtue:” her kitchen was spotless” She personally murdered Jews and she the hobby of making lampshades from their skin, but her kitchen was spotless
And yes it is normal to be annoyed at the faults of others, especially of a husband and wife who is always in close contact with you.
But using benzene or bleach to erase the spots of your wife is not recommended
Yes, it will get rid of the spots
Good job, Great job,
Congratulations Reb Spotless,
Admirable Lofty Work
No spots in your wife
But you killed her.
A very dead, very spotless wife
She is cleaning for you, cleaning your children for you, she is smiling for you,, she is even quoting mesilas yesharim to you, makes a great potato kugel for you, nice makeup on for you, dressing up for you, she is having spotless sex with you whenever your spotless urge desires it, but you killed her
The walking smiling dead.