"Im BechuKosai Tailaychu If "you "walk" in My "statutes"-the first words of this sedrah-teaches us a valuable lesson in life
A Chok refers to commandments that are beyond comprehension -when to the human mind it makes little or sense-when we fail to see any logical benefit from doing these commandments (example-why is meat ok, & milk ok, but meat+milk-not ok?)
Yet , we "walk" with these mitzvos ,we don't walk with our minds but with our feet-we do these mitzvos with faith -emunah-not because its comprehended in the mind or emotionally felt in the heart. We simply have emunah that Hashem wants us to do these mitzvos & we do them. This is a crux & key to serve Hashem-with pure faith.
For example, we must appreciate the value of praying to Hashem 3 times a day (by men, & by women at least once a day). Of course it would be wonderful to be excited & motivated & enthusiastic about each & every prayer of each & every day.But when one goes to shul, prays every day, 3 times a day, even when he is not in the "mood" , even when he is not inspired, even when he struggles to concentrate-that is a sign of a true Eved Hashem. your showing Hashem the commitment -eventually He will give you the gift of enjoying it-but eve when its not there-or especially when its not there-it is a very precious thing that Hashem values & loves you for
Same applies by a family Shabbos Seudah. Sometimes, its uninspiring, everyone's tired,some are irritable, even saying kiddush or singing zemiros feels like a drag. But ultimately, you say kiddush & sing zemiros anyhow & try your best. you are honoring Hashem with Shabbos. would it be nice to feel it? of course it would. but dont think these rituals are meaningless. In a sense , they have even more valued than in those times that you are inspired.
Same is true with marriage. At times it feels wonderful, when husband & wife are extremely close & attuned to each other. Then, there are times, may times, even in the very most best of marriages when the relationship feels stagnant, where the connection is not strongly felt, when either stress or boredom (2 opposite causes) . When the sexual intimate aspect also feels unexciting or unfulfilling. Of course , with time & patience & prayer & mutually working together, a husband & wife can renew & strengthen their physical & emotional relationship. But one must realize the beauty & importance & act of love & kindness it is to behave in accordance to the commitement & loyalty towards ones wife or husband even if you don't feel it . This is the mark of a true love. the emotions, the warm feeling, the physical desire, the fiery exciting -no one is saying its not important-because it is.. but in life, Hashem created many moments & situations & time spans when these are hidden, & He wants to see how you act when you dont feel these things which make it easy for you to be a loving husband or wife.& when you behave with love even when you dont feel in love.
All blessings come from "walking" in His "statutes"-He will ultimately give you all the gifts of renewal & excitement & love but He wants us to serve Him by walking, by the feet, by the action, by simply serving Him purely & sincerely.