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yechida's reflections
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TOPIC: yechida's reflections 144748 Views

Re: yechida's reflections 28 Oct 2018 15:48 #336745

  • yechidah
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  • Karma: 91
“The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.”

“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.”

Peace comes from within.  Do not seek it without.”"

“It is not worth the while to let our imperfections disturb us always.”  

Re: yechida's reflections 29 Oct 2018 12:36 #336792

  • yechidah
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Dvar Torah-Chaya Sarah

have a wonderful week!!
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Re: yechida's reflections 05 Nov 2018 01:00 #336977

  • yechidah
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sometimes its important to give yourself chizzuk

“Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing the best you can!”

“Sometimes when you are in a dark place you think you have been buried, but actually you have been planted.”

“There’s something in you that the world needs.”

Re: yechida's reflections 05 Nov 2018 14:01 #337015

  • yechidah
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Dvar Torah Toldos

have a wonderful week!!
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Re: yechida's reflections 11 Nov 2018 13:32 #337144

  • yechidah
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Dvar Torah Vayatzai

have a wonderful week!!!
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Re: yechida's reflections 12 Nov 2018 15:11 #337167

  • yechidah
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  • Karma: 91
  1. Helping others, encouraging others, are often acts of kindness that have more meaning that you may realize. 
  2. "Don't make a habit out of choosing what feels good over what's actually good for you."

Re: yechida's reflections 17 Nov 2018 23:29 #337308

  • yechidah
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Dvar Torah Parshas Vayishlach

have a wonderful week!!
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Re: yechida's reflections 18 Nov 2018 02:36 #337314

  • yechidah
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Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud

Stop beating yourself up -you are a work in progress

Re: yechida's reflections 24 Nov 2018 23:01 #337439

  • yechidah
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  • Karma: 91
Davar Torah Vayasheiv

wishing you all a wonderful week!!
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Re: yechida's reflections 24 Nov 2018 23:14 #337441

  • yechidah
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  • Karma: 91
“You’re not going to master the rest of your life in one day. Just relax. Master the day. Then just keep doing that every day.”

“It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” (this is a posuk in yeshaya 41-10-write this possuk down & read it often)

Re: yechida's reflections 02 Dec 2018 17:03 #337645

  • yechidah
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“There’s something in you that the world needs.”

“Sometimes it takes an overwhelming breakdown to have an undeniable breakthrough.”

“Look for something positive in each day even if some days you have to look a little harder.”

Re: yechida's reflections 03 Dec 2018 13:22 #337663

  • yechidah
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Dvar Torah-Parshas Mikeitz

wishing you all a wonderful Chanuka!!!
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Re: yechida's reflections 08 Dec 2018 23:17 #337747

  • yechidah
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  • Karma: 91
Dvar Torah-Vayigash

Freilecher Chanuka!!!
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Re: yechida's reflections 08 Dec 2018 23:32 #337748

  • yechidah
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  • Karma: 91
“Soon, when all is well, you’re going to look back on this period of your life and be so glad that you never gave up.”

“Stop beating yourself up you are a work in progress, which means you get there a little at a time, not all at once.”

“I’ve never met a strong person with an easy past.”

Re: yechida's reflections 15 Dec 2018 23:35 #337830

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4264
  • Karma: 91
Dvar Torah Parshas Vayechi

Wishing you all a wonderful week!!! 
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