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yechida's reflections
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TOPIC: yechida's reflections 144765 Views

Re: yechida's reflections 03 Aug 2014 14:50 #236679

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4264
  • Karma: 91
Dvar Torah on Veaschanan & 2 poems

May you all have a meaningful week, an easy fast, & may we all merit to see the geulah now!!


The quarter I put
Into the charity box
Shines back towards me
The giving of it
As small in value
Has eternal significance
Though its effects are often invisible
To the giver
It has real & tangible positive effects
In this world


Isn’t just an emotional feeling
Its knowing how
To utilize compassion
Towards each individual
Based on their own true capacity
& on what they truly need
In proper measure
An overflowing loving heart
With the proper ability
To provide in healthy measure
The true compassion
That they need
To live life
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Re: yechida's reflections 08 Aug 2014 17:47 #237055

  • yechidah
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  • Posts: 4264
  • Karma: 91
A poem as well as a dvar torah on Tu Bav (parsha in prior post)

Have a great Shabbos!!!

When I feel low & worthless
God lifted me up
Receiving a heartfelt “Thank you” letter
Just at the right time

I shall try
To emulate God
By finding the spirit
Of those that are down
& breath in them
New hope
Just as God
Has done for me
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Re: yechida's reflections 10 Aug 2014 06:25 #237073

  • yechidah
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  • Karma: 91
Dvar Torah-Eikev (attached file)

Have a wonderful week my friends!!!
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Re: yechida's reflections 12 Aug 2014 01:10 #237188

  • shivisi
  • Current streak: 193 days
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yasherkoiach again for your amazing divrey torah.
I print out each one and really study it.

Re: yechida's reflections 12 Aug 2014 02:01 #237191

  • yechidah
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  • Karma: 91
Thank you very much-I wish I had the time to type it

always remember I rarely write chidushim

I primarily compile from various seforim (Hence, Im simply a "melaket")

Re: yechida's reflections 15 Aug 2014 02:07 #237472

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4264
  • Karma: 91
Essence of Shabbos
Time to experience
The Unity of Creation
Awareness of God
Permeating this world
In this special time
Every 7th day
The beautiful oasis
In the center
Of the week

Re: yechida's reflections 17 Aug 2014 07:20 #237510

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4264
  • Karma: 91
Poem & attached Dvar Torah

Have a wonderful week my friends!!!
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Re: yechida's reflections 24 Aug 2014 06:43 #237793

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4264
  • Karma: 91
2 Poems & Dvar Torah Attached (Shoftim)

have a wonderful week my friends!!!


Each human being
Unique, Special
Needed in this world
To complete it
Heal it
Affect it
In a way
Only he or she can


A true
Is born
Of a deep love
& respect
For one another
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Re: yechida's reflections 31 Aug 2014 06:23 #238330

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4264
  • Karma: 91
2 poems & Dvar Torah (Ki Tezei)

have a wonderful week my friends!!!

All the kindnesses of God
Give each & every one
Individual attention
& only after that
Can you bundle them
Together again
As a myriad of kindnesses
Each with its own flavor
Combining as One

It is then
Each & every individual kindness
Completes one another
Into One true joy


If the danger of joy
Leading to frivolity
Is great
Then the danger
Of a broken heart & spirit
Leading to depression & mental illness
Is greater!!!

Though at specific
Allotted times in the day
One is to speak with a broken heart
To God
The rest of the time
His soul needs to be filled
With inner joy
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Re: yechida's reflections 31 Aug 2014 06:23 #238331

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4264
  • Karma: 91
2 poems & Dvar Torah (Ki Tezei)

have a wonderful week my friends!!!

All the kindnesses of God
Give each & every one
Individual attention
& only after that
Can you bundle them
Together again
As a myriad of kindnesses
Each with its own flavor
Combining as One

It is then
Each & every individual kindness
Completes one another
Into One true joy


If the danger of joy
Leading to frivolity
Is great
Then the danger
Of a broken heart & spirit
Leading to depression & mental illness
Is greater!!!

Though at specific
Allotted times in the day
One is to speak with a broken heart
To God
The rest of the time
His soul needs to be filled
With inner joy
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Re: yechida's reflections 07 Sep 2014 05:15 #238957

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4264
  • Karma: 91
2 poems & a dvar Torah attached

have a wonderful week my dear friends!!

Soul is pure
Never harmed
It’s the layers
Heaped upon it
That causes
The lack of healthy expression

It seems though
That there is a level
Of free-will
To exercise evil to such an extent
That the soul itself is destroyed

But for the majority of mankind
This is not the case
& when one cleared away the mud
The shine of the soul
Resurfaces again


Is nothing
Without the humility
Of recognizing
The Source
Who bestowed this wisdom
Upon you
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Re: yechida's reflections 12 Sep 2014 22:56 #239472

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4264
  • Karma: 91
A beautiful poem I came across

God Never Makes Mistakes

by Kathy Parenteau

For years I thought I was a mistake. A force within me helped me to be the fighter I am. I will never be defeated because I know and I believe I'm a part of his greater plan.

God Never Makes Mistakes

God never makes mistakes

look at the moon in the sky,

watch the sunrise at day break,

listen to the sounds of

the morning tide.

Whether high or low

she praises the master above,

God never makes mistakes

the beauty of this world

he created with love.

The snow capped mountain tops

just beneath heaven's gate,

another sign reminding us

God never makes mistakes.

If by chance you wonder

why things happen the way they do,

take a moment and think about

his special plan for you.


God never makes mistakes

Written By Kathy J Parenteau

Copyright © 09/10/2014

Re: yechida's reflections 14 Sep 2014 18:58 #239523

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4264
  • Karma: 91
4 poems & dvar torah (nitzavim vayelech)

have a wonderful week!!!


Opens heart & mind
To beautiful landscapes
Deep within the soul
Sprouting forth
Colorful flowers
A beautiful Garden


Eyes see deeply & clearly
Only when not dazzled or distorted
By externals


Knows its boundries
The heart may be as wide
As the ocean
But a truly wise heart
Respects the shore
Not allowing the waves
Of the vast wisdom
To overstep
Its natural limitation
To allow healthy, safe & peaceful life
To All


God heals minds
Heals hearts
Makes whole
What is broken
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Last Edit: 14 Sep 2014 18:59 by yechidah.

Re: yechida's reflections 19 Sep 2014 21:25 #239954

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4264
  • Karma: 91
Dvar Torah for both Rosh Hashana & Haazinu

wishing you all a Kesivav'chasima Tovah

hopefully. will be able to increase important posts in the upcoming year
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Re: yechida's reflections 28 Sep 2014 18:54 #240411

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4264
  • Karma: 91
Gmar Chasimah Tovah to all our brother & sisters!!!
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