My dear friends,
A strange incident took place several weeks ago and I’m not sure what to make of it.
I was on the City Bus because I had to be on one, and I had with me a sefer called “Ohr Hamair” which is from a talmid of the Mezritcher Maggid.
I read that you don’t just serve Hashem in a place of Torah and Tfillah. Hashem is talking to you all the times ,all 28 times ,as Koheles talks about 28 different times, and incidentally it is alluded to in the beautiful dveikus song(I love music, love it, carlbach, rottenberg, helfgot, fried, modshitz, pirchai, old JEP, Rabbi & Sons, Dudu Fischer, etc. etc, old nigunnim. favorites are Hanishomo Loch,Esah Aiynai,Keli Atoh I can go on & on how neginah especially with a chaburah at a “kumzitz” can open the neshomah but I am digressing again-I’m sorry ) “Lakol Zman Vo’eis Tachas Hashomaim”-there is a time for everything under the sun.
You serve Hashem all 28 times.-even on a City Bus.
There I see how this sefer describes the words “Giborai Koach”.
One who is strong for Hashem all 28 times of life, and listens to Hashem talking to you during all 28 times-even on a City bus.
Now I will confess to something about myself.
Yechida very often finds himself in very strange situations.
And you’d expect Yechida should learn only from seforim, but that’s not exactly always part of the plan. Very often I end up with Plan B, C or Z, and I have to struggle to see that it’s really Plan A. It’s not always easy. (I’m the painter with the lower IQ)
A black preacher enters the bus. Normally I tune these chevrah out. The Yoshke Garbage gets on my nerves so I make believe I can’t hear. deaf and dumb. (mrs yechida says I do a good job of this deaf and dumb stuff especially when she is talking about bills or needs me to do something I don’t like doing or yechida that’s the third piece of cake you are eating ,oh yeah? sorry I didn’t realize. that’s the dumb & dumb mode )But because of what I saw in the Ohr Hamair I listen (but I delete the Yoshke Garbage)
And this is more or less what I heard
“All of you here on this City Bus. Thank G-d you are here, not in a wheelchair somewhere, not in a nursing home, not a cripple. Some of you are going to work today, no? Did you thank G-d that you have a job? That you have some money in your pocket? That you are wearing clean and respectable clothes? Talking about clothes, why are all you 35+ old mothers dressed like sluts, like your teenage daughter do, and you tell them not to dress that way. It’s time for you 35+ Moms to retire. You look stupid dressing this way.-----------S-T-U-P-I-D ,your kids look at you and you confuse them, and you don’t stick to one man, you run from this boyfriend to that boyfriend, and then to the next one and screw up your kid’s head. you are messing up your kid behaving this way. Do you tell your kid not to smoke? or do you demand that they go to the store and pick you up a pack of cigarettes for you and you pass one to your kid for getting it for you. We live in a screwed up time. The love of Money is Evil. Do you here me? The love of money is Evil. I did not say that Money is Evil. Money is not Evil. You need money to eat to survive to function as a normal human being but the LOVE of Money is evil. You have to have a Lexus, You must have those brand name jeans. To wear those $1,000 suits just to impress that dumb woman who don’t love you anyway-she just wants your money and that something else but she don’t give a ------ about you as a person.( By the way this preacher was a sharp dresser I noticed)And you teenagers here-listen up. listen up. your mothers carried you in the womb for 9 whole months and you kick her in the face, you tell her to go to hell, she fed you, cleaned your dirty diapers, now you are capable and you still live by your mother rent free, and you don’t appreciate what she did for you all these years ,you look only at the phony outside, not the inside, not what really counts in life….”
At that point my stop comes, the preacher keeps on preaching and I get off the bus with the Or Hameir in my hand.
My dear friends, of the hundreds of wonderful gedolim that I can here mussar from, why does mr yechida need to hear this from a black preacher ,fancy dresser, with a few missing screws?